Thursday, December 17, 2009


WOAH, church camp was waaaa, i do not know how to say.

Experienced God's presence , renewed my love and dedication towards Jesus. It was awesome.

Leading my group Yellow Stallion 10 as an assistant group leader was superb. Thank God for the opportunity to lead and grow my fellow brothers and sisters :)) Oh yes, the camp was at Port Dickson, Tiara Resort in Malaysia. By God's blessing, i came up with a group cheer that had everyone laughing together, woots :))

Time of worship, service and closing in with God was a period of growth, understanding and knowing about my God. haha, I cried when leaders prayed over me. Yeah man, jumping, singing out loud, shouting to Jesus :)

Looking back at the time when i had depression and wanted to commit suicide. Though fear of death stopped me, there was a voice that said, "If you died now, you would miss out on all the possible good things in the future." I am convinced it is God's voice.

What are my good things? Beside God's provision and blessings in my life. Leading my fellow siblings in Christ, praising God for His salvation in me, laughing and enjoying time with my siblings are something that makes me want to say, "Thank you, God, for indeed without you, my life would not be life."

I have rededicated my life to Jesus again :)) It will be a commitment with Jesus by my side :)

Oh yeah, this group cheer, i am going to put it up here :)

Yoyoyo, this is a pseudo-rap that will end as soon as it starts.
We are company Stallion
Fierce as a lion
Yellow division
Of His Holy nation
Platoon number 10
10 upon 10
Fullness in Christ
Children of God
Given His gospel to...

Praise God for the inspiration :))

So many fun, awesome things happened in the camp, so so many yo.

Thank you, God, for these good things will not be possible without you in my life.

Monday, December 7, 2009

another level of growth

Went for camp group leaders' meeting yesterday, it was good :)

I want to grow my members spiritually, aiding them in their relationship with God. But i won't do this by my knowledge but by my Lord's wisdom. I do not know how it is going to turn out, but i will commit every speech, action and thought to God.

I want to go to a deeper level of faith, trust and love in God.

He has been giving me many leadership positions this year, haha, it is growing me :)

Oh and Saturday was transition exercise, it was rather ironic. I was out of the "brotherhood" and into a new cell last year. And now, i am out of the "new" cell into the "brotherhood", haha. But as Joshua said, it is for a purpose. Agreed :)

But either way, we are still one big family whom i treasure :)

Oh, and today was EID test, praise God :))

Friday, November 6, 2009

It is tiring but God will provide

Having these commitments are rather taxing, worrying about proposals, worrying about trainings. Worrying about what committee members will think of me.

I cast my worries unto God, for He cares for me. Done. It is not an act of irresponsibility but rather a command from God.

Lately, doubts and questions keep popping into my head, on top of many concerns. I am going to trust in God to deliver me out of it.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hallelujah :)

Gotta praise God :)

Things are turning for the better in the club. Today's meeting was so much lively, people started to speak up more. Discussion has certainly become more active, and there are more participation in the club matters. Really, God has answered my prayers :)) Someone i thought was quiet made suggestions during the meeting. Pleasantly Surprised !!! Happy day, Happy day.

God blessed me in another area with regards to the club. *secret*

The Solar Powered Vehicle Competition at NP today was really an enriching experience. And i just realised.... i forgot to take pictures.... but... a video on a test run i did take :) Enjoy. But erhh.. the first 10 seconds or more shows the car being charged by the floodlights :)

Really looked like some extra-terrestrial scene eh ???

Track built by us (ITP students)

Cherry-O :>>

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Gonna rise above all this stress !!!

I got a shock from the last meeting. I found out that i will becomethe president for the club when term starts, not the next academic year. Shocking !!!

I am not sure if my fellow club mates will be supporting me, sacrificing their time for the club. For some reason, i was the only year 2 in the meeting.... Unlike Rambo, a one-man show is hard to achieve in reality... There are so many things that need to be settled, but not many people settling them... I am used to hearing from people that i am too stressed up, but Nooooo... Most of the time, they are too relaxed!!

While doing time alone with God today, i was asking God how am i going to do this. He said, "I am enough..." I am going to see by faith and count on God!!!

On top of this, i got to juggle between being the class chairman, academics, church commitments, etc. I am not going to grumble. I have faith that God is using these to make me into a better man :) If a gold ore is not refined through the fire, how can pure gold be obtained?

I will be signing up for water baptism :))

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Woots. Saw my fellow people :>


Heading home on the train yesterday, i saw a group of school girls chatting. Looking closer, they seemed to be Japanese, and it was confirmed after hearing them speak :>

I felt like fainting from being so blessed. Haha. Had no idea what they were talking about, gotta improve on my language skills!! Kept hearing "yasumi", which means holiday.

Thank God :> Though i am unable to go to Japan presently, i am able to have the chance of seeing and hearing real-life Japanese people :) Makes me want to improve more and faster!!!

Friday, September 25, 2009


Just need to rant a little.

I feel like I am "alone" in the cyclist club sometimes. Not that i do not have friends there, i am pretty much integrated with them? Just that during meetings, i seem to be the only one talking, giving ideas.

During the recent meeting, it was pretty much the same scenario over again. I talked like 95 percent of the time, while others kept pretty much quiet. I really do not like such a situation. I would like people to be spontaneous, throwing out ideas, to learn, and try to do things outside of their comfort zones.

I pray to God that there will be a change in the cyclist club. People bonding, having fun, spontaneity, willingness to learn, being proactive and seeking to lead. I can't do this alone, I need God and the help of my fellow club mates.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Let go

I do not want to care, i do not want to think.

Anything that frustrates me, i will just block out of my mind. I wanna enjoy the time i have, instead of nonsensical thinking.

Be it people, issues, anger or worries. I do not want to care, i do not want to think. Just not worth my time.

Just. Let. Go.

It is time to enjoy.

Flying high above all these things, and see the light for what it truly is. Not covered by a mirage nor a facade.

Monday, September 14, 2009

A beast

I once punched a classmate on his shoulders because he put the 4-letter vulgarity with a girl whom i liked in the past in a sentence. (a sense of rage just came over me) That was the most the beast ever came out. I wanted to go all out, but i know it was unwise to do so.

I still remember the fights i had with my brother when we were young. When one of us did wrong to the other, it was an all out fight. There was no restrain upon us whatsoever. My face totally changes during those fights, or when i get angry. I think i would have gotten scared if i looked into a mirror and saw how much i changed. My brother and I have gotten out of that phase, praise God.

I hardly let the beast out nowadays. But there are rare times, i just want to let it out. Screaming madly, punching sand bags, letting loose for a while. But punching walls? I am angry, but not to the extent i would go ballistic and hurt myself.

The most nowadays, i would just rant and pray and not think about it. The more we think about it, the angrier we get, blowing things out of proportions.

Do not get me wrong, i do not have a violent tendency, just an average human being.

But under those spectacles, lies something that is sealed by God's truth. Reminds you of Naruto eh?

I do not want to use my strength for violence. It should build others up, not hurt them in any way.

As with other cases of anger, it will subside after 2 or 3 days :))

But SERIOUSLY, you should change. I can't be reminding you over and over again, just to hear you say sorry yet again. I remind you so that you can change, not to hear "sorry".

Friday, September 11, 2009


The title is misleading :> This might be a long post without pictures, i wont be bothering about language today, haha. straight from the heart.

The reason why crushes are called crushes are that they really crush you, be it taking a toil on my physical health, or torturing my emotional being. As such i have been crushed 3 times, and i guess u would have known by previous posts. It is sometimes too much to handle pining for a girl, what she is doing, not having the guts to go talk to her. It's too much for me.

Recently, girls are distracting me too much. Kinda frustrating... Anyways, as each day goes by, i find how unprepared i am to be in a relationship. I will just wait till God finds the right time, even though in my heart, i yearn to show my love and affection to a girl. (stop puking, i am a sentimental guy) I might be a battery without a bulb. But whether is it a battery that has a short lifespan or leaking or defective, is something that worries me.

It is my prayer to God that she and I will be right in His eyes when we meet. Recently, i just realised what i prayed for. It would mean i could wait for a long time before i get into a relationship. But it's OK, because it is gonna be the best one :>

Guitar takes my mind of certain issues/stuff. The issues/stuff are being girls. I bought my guitar for close to 2 years now. But due to inconsistent practice, i am still very much an amateur. I am gonna focus on it.

On hindsight, my brother having the handsome gene is in a way a good thing for me. Girls are not attracted to me like my brother, hehe. so i dun have to bother about such stuff. And no, i am not deceiving myself.... i was thinking as i was showering and i came to a conclusion that it is a good thing especially in this issue i am facing. And yes, i am thinker, i think whenever, wherever, however?

So peeps, i have a "girlfriend". She has a head, a neck and a body :)

It's time i stop neglecting my guitar.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

It was saturday yesterday.

During service, I was going through a spiritual turmoil. The accumulation of doubts about God reached its peak, with nothing happening even at the altar call, i was this close to giving up, ending the walk.

Wanted to talk to Joshua, but he had problems of his own to talk with Bro. Andre. I dun blame you, haha. But thankfully, Sanjay was there. Through him, i was brought out from the cesspool of doubts. Sanjay can be serious at times, just got to..... wait. HAHA. As such, I AM BACK :)

On a less serious note, went to Astons for the first time yesterday. The chicken is juiiiccccyy, tender and flavourful. Though it had quite a bit of burned bits, i still ate it. In other cases, it would be a no-no. Burned bits contain cancer-causing things, you see. I am health conscious at times :)

It is definitely cheaper and tastes better than Botak Jones. Though i have an issue with the portion. Yes, rather big guy, reasonably big appetite, but small wallet. I would go there again, if my wallet gives the go-ahead.

Hmm, i want to talk about a certain love issue. But from my previous experience that ended on a rather awkward note, i will keep this issue to a certain few.

The walk with God is not without trials nor its emotional/mental/spiritual turmoils. But we can count on Him to continue His good work in us :)

Monday, August 17, 2009

A prophesized Victory :)))

I feel so weary in this war with procrastination. I set my mind to do something, be it work or practice, but at the end of the day i accomplished nothing. I feel that i have wasted time that could and would have been put to better use. I do not like that feeling. Nonetheless, i am still NOT gonna give up, there will be a breakthrough :)

And now another spiritual warfare is raging, it is time to lean on God, once again. Got to strengthen my faith, Jesus is my refresher :) A faith so strong that even when the world doubts against God, it still stands unshaken. A faith that is untainted, that comes from Jesus.

My heart cries out... "I need to feel your presence, Lord"

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Giganto Amphibiano

Long time since I blogged...

Well, yesterday was a good day. Our solar-powered amphibian car managed to float and run slowly on water. It won 2nd place in a land racing competition with other solar-powered cars. All glory to God :)

With permission from the team, it is named Giganto Amphibiano. Made it sound Italian or Spainish? A little exotic flavour, hehe.

Chao Jing said something that made me want to praise God. :)) It is because of you, Lord, that it is made possible in me. WOOOOOTS !!!

Went to see Mr. Jacob with regards to many aspects of the cycling club, it is time to make the club active and fun :) I got to be a better, efficient and impactful leader :)

I got to practise guitar regularly, gonna form a practice band with members from cyclist club after the holidays, so gonna up my skill level :) When people asked if i play the guitar, i would answer " i am learning to play", with God's blessings i hope to answer "YES" in the near future. Gotta buck up on my Japanese since i stopped going for Japanese classes. Though i quit the lessons, i plan to take my JLPT 3 on 6th December, gonna get me a certificate yo :)

Exams are looming dangerously near, gotta rush those procrastinated tutorials.

As for the issue of love, i will leave it for another day :)

Bankai !! Tear through the books, Mugging Spectacled Nerd :)

Now, what do U see ???

Sunday, August 2, 2009

A praise report

Today was a day of God's power.

I prayed some time back that my parents would be back on talking terms after say, 8-10 years? It seemed quite impossible at that time given their past history, but i prayed to God nonetheless.

Today, my mum ordered pizza (that is another thing to praise God about, given my family situation). I was eating and watching "Bruce Lee", when i noticed something was off. My mum and dad was eating at the same table !! Though they didn't talk much, but i could feel and see that the " strangers under one roof" status has changed. To say that isn't done by God would be so wrong, if u knew about the "history".

My faith has increased greatly, God is faithful and works in His own timing. I pray He will continue His good works :))))) I will look back on this victory when i am faced with trials in the present and in the future and know my God is powerful :) He really does the impossible.

My trials may be big, but He who is in me is bigger :)))

Tomorrow, there will be a meeting in the cyclist club. Wonder how it will turn out.

I love God, let nothing hold me back from giving Him all the praise. WOOTS.

Lord, do heal my Godma.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Drained but not empty

Recent days have been a roller-coaster ride of emotions. Feeling down in the doldrums one moment, and joyful the other.

Sad, depressed due to ITP issues, financial issues. Cant go for Overseas ITP due to lack of finances, just felt that it is a very good opportunity missed, for so many reasons. Urrgh.

Doing local ITP kinda scares me, due to lack of familiar faces, working enviroment, and after the Mandarin Oriental hotel stint of '07, i got rather traumatised, haha.

It is getting difficult to continue giving for faith promise, i guess this is where faith comes in. Do not know where the money is going to come from and all. I would like to buy certain things, but i gotta cut down on spending even on food. Gotta trust in God and not place my security on money.

The reason why i feel joyful is that when i am feeling hopeless by my circumstances, He gives me hope. Another batch of hopelessness makes its arrival, and when i am feeling emotionally drained, He renews me yet again.

I wanna fly in an aeroplane.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Another trial, another test. Gotta rise above it. Need God.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Woots. Glory to God :)

Cyclist club training was awesome!! I thought we would not be able to handle the juniors due to the lack of manpower, but by God's grace we did, haha. My stamina is still there, thank God that my recent bout of illness did not lower it :)) My abdominal strength was kinda weak? Gotta improve on it!! Mingled with the juniors a little, rather fun. Adrenaline pump was there.

Rather happy to see Chao Jing, taking the step of leadership from being rather passive in the past. Proud of you, buddy !! We managed to make the juniors enthusiastic, how much, i dunno, haha. We all had fun, while leading, which is important :) Things for the cyclist club are starting to get into motion, club shirts, bikes and all. What we need is regular attendance from the juniors :)

Another thing to give God the glory, was that though i slept late and woke up early, i still felt energetic the whole day. This is a rare occurance for me, who imitates a highly-inefficient capacitor. Basically, take long time to charge, but depletes in a short time.

Was also rather irritated, frustrated due to project work, team-mates and stuff, but i really thank God for giving me peace and taking away the anger. One thing about me is i can get super angry for a short time, but after that the anger kinda dissipates.

Gotta go to school early tomorrow, and there is a high chance i will feel an "awesome" ache too :)

P.S I hardly take photos, explaining the lack of it :)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Reporting for duty :))

Rasseru Kurosaki, Official Non-Commissioned Spiritual Parent reporting for duty :> ONCSP. Hehe, rather lengthy eh.

Just had my interview with Sister Gwen. Went nicely :) Gonna have more commitments and responsibilities now, but it is good :) More opportunities to serve and grow. May God be with me every step of the way, guiding, protecting and mentoring me :))

Thanks to God, my results for the MSTs were fantastic, all glory to Him alone :)

Electromagnetic Devices- 97
Photovoltaic Principles and Materials- 95
Engineering Mathematics II (A)- 100
Sensors and Instrumentation- 100
Japanese Language- 98


Gonna have another night-cycling reccee later, a little anime and some sleep before heading out. Ciaossu :)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I got a small problem now. When i see girls, i got this stupid nagging thought/feeling in me, "When am i going to get a girlfriend?" Yea, i got such problems too :)

I think i have reached the "despo stage" in a guy's life. Well, i am sure it will be a passing phase.

However, this is not a question of "I want, I get". I do not want to get into a relationship for the sake of getting into one, be cool or any other reasons other than that of love, one that is approved by God.

Many reasons:
1) It is a relationship that is protected, mentored by God
2) It is based on the definition of love by God, not by the world
3) I am assured however it turns out, it will be for the best
4) I do not want to be in a situation where i wake up one day and the "love" is gone.
5) It ain't a game
6) Some like the thrill, but i want someone i can spend my life with
7) With God, i am assured my wife and i will still be kissing at old age :)) "rather than being strangers under a same roof"

But with all this said, i still find the idea of me being attached far from reality.

Reasons being:
1) I dun think i am "attractive" to girls. My brother took all the handsome genes. God has blessed him. :))
2) I am not confident around girls. 10 years in monkhood might have some part to play.
3) I am rather lame at times. "People who can walk, dun come near me." Arr, see see, what was the first word u thought ?

Well, i am trusting in God for the girl He planned for me uber long ago. And when she comes, i pray God will whack me on the head and say she is the one. So i can be sure, and be courageous to say "HI", and have his blessing for a love that is pleasing to Him. Because if it pleases Him, it most certainly will also please me :)))))) WOOTS.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Saturday's night fever literally :)

Yesterday's Saturday service in church was uber memorable. Best place to be on a Saturday night, haha. Before that, headed to church at 9.20am, 20 minutes shy of being on time. Met up with the TINT crew and started making the props for the event that was to be held later. Made a big spectacles to go with the event (STARE WHAT STARE). Enjoyed it :)

When work on the spectacles was almost completed, Josh went on to do "something" for his project. It is very complicated for me to describe what he did, so "something" would suffice :) Funny things happened while trying to put on his metal suit, piece by piece. The end result was the "walking penknife/disco ball". Layman terms...

Rushed off to briefing on our roles for the event. Joshua, Sanjay and me were the "Men in Black". Had to dress in black shirts and wear black masks. Our role was simple, if the contestants answer wrongly, we rush out to whack them with balloon clappers, if correct, shake their hands.

Super excited, yet nervous at the same time. The reason being Josh and I have variable amounts of stage fright, we thought it would be OK since we were wearing masks. Problem... the mask just covers the eyes. It's like we were going for a masked prom... But Josh said something that soothe the nervous beast in me, "We are doing this for God......." I kinda forgot the second part of the sentence, seeing that after hearing the first part I was like "YES, OK, LET'S GO MAN" in my mind already :))

As the event started, Sis Gwen introduced us as, "The Men in Black, they are 3 guys who are strong and hunky..." We were behind the door, with "dunno what to say" reactions. Some things didnt go as plan, our choreography went a little haywired due to impromptu planning, haha. I was supposed to jump into Sanjay's and Joshua's hands during the introduction. During our practise i wasn't running, so we excecuted the movement well. During the real thing, i was running fast, the momentum caused me to whack Sanjay's nose and Joshua's chin when i jumped. Didnt plan for that to happen -_-"" But everyone laughed, so we achieved the comical results :)

It was so hilarious, whacking people with balloon clappers, then shacking their hands. According to Phyllis, it wasn't the balloon clappers that scared her, but rather us rushing out the door suddenly like mad, crazy barbarians. I hit Lois and also shaked her hand, who by the way, leads Team Invent. I hit the boss.... next meeting.... sure....

!!! It was a first time for me to take part in an event like that. Stepping out of comfort zones is very scary at times, but it always bears unexpected results. In this case, I have grown bolder, and more confident. THANK YOU GOD FOR THE OPPORTUNITY!!!

Oh yeah, having my SP i.e Spritual Parenting interview next friday. Wonder how it will turn out.

Rasseru Kurosaki, peace out !!

Friday, July 3, 2009

試験が終わりました! ばんざい! Exams over :)

Exams over :)) My brain is dead, cant think properly.

Today's paper was rather manageable, everyone left early before the time was up. I was checking my answers rather thoroughly, by the time i finished, everyone left. I felt a brain block before the exam started, couldn't think clearly, kept checking my answers, haiz.

Caught up with some homies at the mrt, and impromptuly joined them for window-shopping, seeing there was time before gym session.

I cant seem to type anymore, brain has reached maximum loading capacity for the day. Gotta help out in church tomorrow at 8am. Power.

Want to sleep, need to sleep, so just sleep.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Maths- round 1

I hope the previous post spoke to you :)

Today was Engineering Maths exam, i really fulfilled the term of being on the spot, dot and micro-speck. The moment i came in, the exam was about to be commenced. Thank God :)

As usual, prayed before i started the paper, compared to past year paper (yeah, i only did one, so no 's') it was simpler, in the sense of being more straight-forward. But anyways, i checked as i did, super slow speed as a result.

Wanted to study today, but in the end, i didnt. Arrgh, i see book, i no mood. This despite the fact the exam is in 2 days' time, and i have not started.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Definition of beauty

The world's definition of beauty is flawed, its meaning embraces many things but beauty itself.

There is no such thing as true beauty, only a false sense of beauty. Beauty is beauty. How we perceive it, makes it "true" or "false".

Its definition as put forth by the world would be something that is pleasing to the eye. Yes, beauty does mean that, the problem being, it does not just stop there.

What then is the true meaning of beauty, the definition of which is unadulterated by the world, the media, people.

Beauty goes beyond the superficial, into the inner depths of a person, thing even. We see someone who does not meet the standards of the world. He or she not having the body exclaimed by the media, neither has that person have a certain sense of sexiness, class... His or her face might even be deformed, disfigured. The world definition of beauty then has him or her excluded.

But that person is beautiful nonetheless, she may possess inner beauty that radiates from within, which lasts longer than that of outer appearances.

We all know inner beauty exceeds outer beauty, but do we comprehend it, accept it, is another issue altogether.

A mongrel, mixed breed might be ugly, but his loyalty to his owner, isn't that beauty too? If some of us can see beauty in the ugliest of animals, why can't we in people?

Another aspect of beauty is that it goes beyond the past, the present, and into the future. A jail inmate convicted of heinous crimes. There is still beauty in him or her. Beauty goes beyond the superficial and focus itself on what something, someone can be in the future. That same inmate has a possible future of repenting, and helping others. Is he or she then not beautiful?

Everything, everyone has beauty, but not everyone sees it. It is a matter of which definition we are using to see the world, the people whom we chance upon each day.

One good proof is this. It is said "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", it means everyone sees beauty differently. That girl might be beautiful, pretty to me, but to another guy on the streets, she is not. I have seen some form of beauty in her, the other person have not. My best friend says that girl is beautiful, but i do not think so. On hindsight, we are all using different definitions of beauty, some of which causes us to miss out on the beauty of some others.

There is no such thing as ugliness, just people who can't see beauty in certain things.

A revelation from my Father in heaven, all glory to Him :)

How can i be sure that everyone is beautiful? God made us in His image, I believe all beauty comes from Him. How then can anyone be ugly?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A new commitment

I realized that i have been rather serious and stressed up. Some good friends have told me so and i appreciate these comments. The reason behind this behaviour is as such. When it is time to get serious, and no one else is serious, there is a need for me to be serious for them too. Lest the job/project fails or be less than satisfactory.

I miss the times in St.Gabriel sec school, where i was known to some as a joker. This "revelation" got me thinking, and i have chosen that i am going to worry less, be less serious and be less stressed up.

God made me to be a happy boy, Heaven Yeah !!! I am not gonna worry over things nor get frustrated over some people in my life. :) :) :) As to how i am going to achieve it, i will wait upon God's wisdom.

I can see His plan unraveling already.

This is my new plan/commitment which i have committed unto God.

- No television
- 25 mins for Msn
- 5 mins for Facebook

Till end of semester 1
, though i got a feeling i am going to renew it. Haha.

All these distractions are cutting me off from my dreams and giving me undue stress. (reasons are complicated, hehe)

Took some pictures of the skies of Serangoon.

I like this one alot :) Rather rare to see this... i think...

I can conclude that i am a sky person, when it comes to taking photos. hehe.

Oh yeah, went for night cycling last Friday-Saturday, for my club's event reccee. Uber nice, so many things, so many good experiences. Shall blog about it soon.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Do note :)

Recently, it has been rather stressful. CCA wise, coming up with a training schedule for the club, making it active. 3 or more projects, where i have "become" the leader in one way or the other. Mid-semester exams after the 3 weeks hols. And many other things too, in school or in my life.

In short, it would be nice if people would share the burden. Or well, if they do not add to it, i am really, really more than happy already.

If you guys see my msn being busy, it pretty much suggests a high stress level. I do need a punching bag from time to time nowadays, i really hope it aint you who causes me to need it. Really...

When much effort has been put into something for a group, the last thing i would like to hear from you is a complain. You know who you are.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Today is my birthday :)

So funny. On Friday, i woke up from a nap at 11.55pm, around there. Went to take a bath, and when i came out it was 12.10am. So technically speaking, i entered the toilet as an 18 year old and came out as a 19 year old. What a bath that was, HAHA.

I didnt celebrate my birthday, as in like a party. I think i stopped rather long ago. But it was a good, blessed day nonetheless. My mum bought me a new wallet. Some of my classmates pooled in money to buy a sports jersey. Now i got a new shirt to wear to the gym :) Thanks Mandy, for taking the time to choose one :)

Though there wasnt many presents, 2 to be exact, i feel blessed in so many ways. Good friends, a shelter over my head, love, and a good, loving God. The last is the most important :) Things that we take for granted are usually the most precious.

I feel and know that God is leading me in leading others. He has put me in positions, small and big to nurture me in leadership. Whether it is being a class representative, or a group leader in my cyclist club camp, i have learnt many lessons. Sometimes unknowingly, values and lessons are being imbued in me.

Today in cell, we played a game and i kinda lost in a way. I thought we had to do a forfeit, for some reasons, i thought we had to act cute. Yeah, not a nice image... DUN picture it, seriously :) In the end, we had to be leaders for another game. Though it was for a short time, it was still a valuable learning experience nonetheless.

I have procrastinated yet again, and now my homework is stacked up high. Got 2 quizzes and a Japanese test next week. Time to study. But i am looking forward to this wednesday. Kuishinbo japanese buffet = Free flow of snow crab = First time experience = Gastronomically satisfied Russell.

Thanks friends, for your wishes of happiness :)
Material gifts will be left in one corner collecting dust, but memories with friends i can treasure always :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Feelings that i do not want

Just came back from Sanjay's gym. Such an uneasy concoction of feelings is brewing in me.

Today is her birthday, but that is not an ingredient in the mixture of emotions. Just so suddenly, i feel the passion for gym leaking from me. I do not know what causes this onset of unwanted feeling. It could be due to this another feeling that i do not feel at ease to say on this blog. Waiting for Joshua to be free, to have one of those heart-to-heart talks, man-to-man. Hehe.

I hate the feeling of pining for someone. It is so tiring on my emotional body. I am going to lift it up to God, as this causes much avoidable frustration.

Gotta rush my work, have been pushing it back a few too many days. There is the challenge of cyclist club too. Busy busy.

So many things, feelings, work, issues, troubles.

One faithful, loving God.

All is good. :) Let's seek Him !

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Awesome growing experience :)

Cyclist camp was awesome, praise God.

Had diarrhoea on the first day of cyclist camp, i prayed for it to go away and it did :) WOOTS.

To sum it short, great friends, refreshing experiences, enlightening learning journey, God-filled. Got to plan for the training schedule, bikes, events among other things. This year is gonna be busy. Gonna trust in God to be victorious in all.

There is this possibility I might be the gym facilitator for the club. Hehe, Joshua is so laughing.

I thank God i was rejected by the guitar club. His plan for me never fails to surprise, amaze me. I shall not grumble nor complain when bad things happen, but rather i shall wait quietly, seeking Him, looking at his grace and power be unfold in my life.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The trial

Entered into a new year, a new responsibility entrusted without notice
With an attitude of service, i took it upon myself
First term has not seen its end, but dissension was building its foundation
In anger and frustration , it thrives like weeds
In the barrages of complains and grumbling, I stood like a sitting duck in line of fire
What else can i do, but hear with patience and understanding
Anger did not seem right then, it served no good purpose
Changes were a constant, people's displeasure a multiplication
What else can i do, what else...
Information was given in clarity, yet why do questions still arise
Questions after questions, that could have been avoided
Why do one choose not to take the time to see and understand
Do they not understand that I am not exactly having the time of my life
Character was put under the test, grilled over the flame of irritation
I will not bow down to anger, but enjoy this trial
For this will grow me to be a leader for God,
In this time, i will sing my praises to Him, who is above all this
Who stood by my side, time and time and time again


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Russell Loves God

Today worship experience was seriously the bomb. Time passes so fast when you are worshiping God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. It is just you and God, one to one.

I am ever so ignited to serve God in guitar, and God is helping me every step of this journey. It is for this reason to serve God that has me desire to improve in guitar. In the past, i could never maintain the passion for any hobby i had. The reasons or purpose for those hobbies could never withstood time nor trials. Learning guitar was and is never an easy thing for me, difficulties, up-and-downs, stagnation in level of playing, and repetition seemed to be endless. There was moments of surrender, and taking the easy route of giving up, BUT the purpose to serve God pushes me forward.

I shall and will be a testimony that glorifies and exalts the name of God. Amen.

On a side note, today's cell game had me confused and in need of a panadol. Was rather slow to catch on, people just started laughing. "A what, wait wait, ding? so what i do? I tot pass to you.." Hehe, it is good to be a source of laughter.

And i have made a decision to "graduate" from the swimming pool gym to the "strongman" gym. For some reason, this year, many pp in poly are going to the gym, boys and girls alike. Going at different times still made no difference to the fact that the gym mimics that of the Great Singapore Sale. Every machine is taken, insufficient dumbells and plates. Hence i am going to the strongman gym with Wailun, i just pray that pp wont crowd that area. Some reasons being

1.) There is no air-con.
2.) The weight plates start from 5 kg.
3.) A nasty concoction of different sweat smells, sweaty rubber.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

On hindsight, towards the future

Yesterday's sermon by Pastor Gary from USA was refreshing in a sense, and reaffirmed in me what i thought before.

He talked about how God put him through various jobs in his younger days, so that he may apply what he has learnt, and his experiences into extending God's kingdom. It reminded me of my past, and the present.

As some would know, the things that i enjoy doing now are caused by certain events. The certain events are the 3 crushes I had in my soon to be 19 years of life. The 3 crushes I had on totally 3 different girls, ended without a beginning, and kinda horribly in some ways. Looking back on those 3 experiences, I thank God for them, despite how it turned out. Some of my brothers know how horribly all 3 turned out. Yeah, sad, if I am only focused on the small blot of despair rather than on the entire canvas of my life. Often, that blot can be part of something beautiful, glorious, amazing.

My first crush is a childhood sweetheart in my primary school days. Met her again in my secondary school days on a trip with both our mothers. Had those same feelings again on the trip. When we were going swimming, I sprinted towards the pool, covering the small belly i had back then. When i entered the pool, I still remembering telling myself i had to do something about it when i returned to Singapore.

That started my enthusiasm with gymming. Body-sculpting, whatever one would call it.

My second crush is a Japanese exchange student to our school when i was Sec 3. Yeah, you all know where this is going. Her name is Akari Taniguchi. Akari meaning light, such an irony when i think about it now. Because of her, i took an interest in Japan, its language, its music. As for Japanese girls, that interest has faded away.

When i found out that she was a tennis captain, and knew how to play the piano. I thought about what talent i had. Through a funny incident that some of my friends know, it led to me picking up the guitar.

The third crush, refocused the goal of gymming, Japanese and guitar towards that of God's.

I am going to use these 3 things that God has led me to, to serve Him in the course He has laid out for me before time began. I thank God for these experiences for I can now serve Him in the things I enjoy :))

I do not know what lies before me, but I know God is a faithful and almighty God. Amen.
"If God put you to it, He WILL put you through it."

Oh yeah, on a side note.

Of the 3 crushes, i have only spoken to 1. The other 2 are like that of a Korean or Taiwanese drama, where the boy just looks on quietly behind a pillar or something opaque. Seriously, if the word "stalker" comes to your mind, you really do not know me well. Haha.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Arrgh, school started.

Well, I became this year's class chairman. My head feels groggy, pardon the following incoherent typing. Slept around 8 hours, but still feels it is not enough. The 2 hours lecture sucked my brain juice dry. Had little idea what the lecturer was saying, my mind left the building when he talked about the yoke of a generator. Yes, "huh?".

Then we got conned by the CRS (critical reasoning skills) lecturer into the module being about dating. How to date, maintaining a relationship, etc. Said that we will be pairing up with people from the business school, to be boyfriends, girlfriends. Going on a date sponsored by SP. This is where pandemonium strike. People were like, "WOOHOO". I was more like, "Got to account to Joshua and Zhi He..." At the end, she said we got "punked", and that we had to look at things critically.

In a peanut shell, she lied, we were led into it.

I guess the desire to get attached causes people to lose all sense of critical analysis.

Funny thing is that i thought i would get an F when she said it was a "dating" module. Well, thank God it aint. As u guess it, Russell = no dating experience. Theory = B, Practical = absent. Hehe.

But i won't rush in finding a girlfriend, would rather wait for God to lead me. I pray she is one who is on fire for God. I would like to be worthy of her too.

Anyways, i got to really make good use of my time. So many things, but not too much time. The weather is really humid nowadays. Practised on my guitar for less than an hour, and i could feel sweat trickling down.

Gotta gym tmr, not sure if i got the energy. Wonder how my friends are coping...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Yosh. Photos for the first time. Woots.

Orientation was super fun today too. Saw a freshman girl I thought was beautiful, hmm, wonder if she is a Christian. Anyways, the Flag Day Division (us), has completed Phase 1 of its job.

Gave out tins, license, stickers, etc. Had to promote Environmental club for some reason. The best was having fun as a group of student leaders. Started with knowing a bunch of people, but now we are all homies. A teacher called me a senior, "shiok man" was the feeling ! Haha.

Took a group photo at the end in the sports hall.


I seriously do not know how to smile....

Personal fav. Matthew (the punched guy) brings the fun in bulk.

Thursday is collection day. We gonna take part in the SP party. Maybe..

Went to the fish farm after with Joshua. Couldnt take a photo of the big black fish, called the Gar fish. It was humongous. When it surfaced, got the shock of the month. Too bad the water was dark, so happen the fish was kinda dark too. Let your imagination run wild, and u can picture the size.

Joshua bought cute little fishies, Pearl Goldfish. Fat and small. When it swims, u get a good laugh out of it.

The work of God above the work of man. (Leonardo Da Russell)

Thought the sky was nice. The light piercing through the clouds.

Fun and enjoyable day, thank you God :)))

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The fun, the tired, and the new

Got my new phone today. Nice. Gonna start taking photos.

Went for Freshmen Orientation today, was in charge of the tin cans for flag day. A little nervous at first as I did not have experience with a large group of people. But it turned out rather well. For me it was fun, though my fellow leaders felt it was a little stale for them.

Isaiah was the only one who forgot to wear the SP t-shirt. Totally looked like a freshie. Blended in the crowd like a true army guy in the jungle when we led the students to the sport halls. Man, the way he behaved during the freshies' games was just hilarious. So brave, just went in and looked over people's shoulders like no man's business, I just laughed then and there. During the train conference, Felicia said that he went into her class briefing and looked all blur and duh... One of the students thought he was a fellow classmate. I so wanted to be there, to see his "duh" face.

It was a nice experience overall, being my first time too, first of many to come i hope. Tmr will be the same thing again, maybe with slight variations. I hope funnier things will happen, hehe.

Went for gym at Sanjay's, fast and efficient, the way i like it. Spent some time settling the hardware and software of the phone. No time for guitar, sob..

Well, might be going to a fish farm tomorrow to see this incredibly huge fish with Josh. Photos :)


Joke for the day ( Do tag if it is funny :) )

> ************ ********
> Ah Beng bought a new mobile.
> He sent a message to everyone from his Phone Book & said,
> 'My Mobile No. Has changed.
> Earlier it was Nokia 3310. Now it is 6610'
> ============ ========= ! ========= ======
> Ah Beng : I am a proud father, coz my son is in Medical College ..
> Friend: Really, what is he studying.
> Ah Beng: No, he is not studying, they are studying him.
> ============ ========= ========= ========= ===
> Ah Beng : Doctor, in my dreams, I play football every night.
> DR: Take this tablet, you will be ok.
> Ah Beng : Can I take tomorrow, tonight is final game.
> ============ ========= ========= ========= ====
> Ah Beng : If I die, will u remarry?
> Wife: No! I'll stay with my sister. But if I die will u remarry?
> Ah Beng : No, I'll also stay with your sister.
> =========================================================
> Ah Beng complained to the police: 'Sir, all items are missing, except

> the TV in my house.'
> Police: 'How come the thief did not take TV?'
> Ah Beng : 'I was watching TV news....'
> ============ ========= ========= ========= ==
> Ah Beng comes back to his car & find a note saying 'Parking Fine'
> He Writes a note and sticks it to a pole 'Thanks for the compliment.'
> ============ ========= ========= ========= ======
> How do you recognize Ah Beng in School?
> He is the one who erases the notes from the book when the teacher erases the board.
> ============ ========= ========= ========= ========
> Once Ah Beng was walking he had a glove on one hand and not on other.
> So the man asked him why he did so.
> He replied that the weather forecast announced that on one hand it would
> be cold and on the other hand it would be hot.
> ============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ==
> Ah Beng in a bar ! and his cellular phone rings. He picks it up and
> Says 'Hello, how did you know I was here?'
> ============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ===
> Ah Beng : Why are all these people running?
> Man : This is a race, the winner will get the cup
> Ah Beng : If the winner will get the cup, why are others running?
> ============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ===
> Teacher: 'I killed a person' convert this sentence into future tense
> Ah Beng : The future tense is 'u will go to jail'
> ============ ========= ========= ========= ========= =====
> Ah Beng told his servant: 'Go and water the plants!'
> Servant: 'It's already raining.'
> Ah Beng : 'So what? Take an umbrella and go.'

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Thank You, Jesus

Today was the HOPE event in church. Brought my brother and cousin to the event. Was praying continuously that their hearts be opened to God, and accept God as their saviour. The weird thing, i did not even pray that much before my math exams.

Could hear them laughing during the musical, was rather distracted. But God said, "Russell, focus on me." I believe that God will touch their hearts and bring about a radical transformation in their lives, just as he did with mine. I was a rather tough nut, a logical person that did not allow the concept of God. I thank God, that HE did not give up on me but rather strengthen me in my relationship with Him, time after time, troubles after troubles.

I thank God for Joshua Isaac, who had patience in nurturing me. I call him my brother, though we are from different races, we are from the same God.

My dream is that my whole family, extended even, would come to know God and love Him as much as I do. It might take a long time, and i will face persecution, mockery even from my family members for what i stand up for.

But i wont worry, for God is always with me till the end of time, I shall put their salvation before my shame. Amen.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Finally back to posting, due to a host of problems. Spiritual Parenting course, Singapore Poly Leadership camp in Indonesia are some of the few things that happened which made my holidays :)) I experienced so many new things, some of which might be common to yall.

1. Talking to a stranger about God. :)
2. Holding and using a machete for the first time. :)
3. Trekking through a jungle, waterfall, and such. :)
4. Jumping off a waterfall into yellow water full of mineral, iron. Uber deep that it's black yo. :)
5. Sleeping in a hammock. Felt mummified. :)
6. Jumping off a jetty, wrong position causing damage to groin and thigh area. :(
7. Had nutella smeared or spammed onto my face for a game. Saboed. Took it as a facial. :) & :(
8. Lighting a fire with a flint and machete. With the help of some kind of oil... :)
9. Eating porridge-rice hybrid with untreated water from the stream. Yes, the yellow one. X_X
10. Peeing in the jungle at night with 3 other friends. One of whom farted at the end to finish up the symphony of "Canon in E". The bomber's identity is still unknown. Not me. -_-"""
11. Keeping guard with a machete, while a fren did his big business behind me. X_X

Number 10 is not new i suppose, guys do it all the time... in one way/song or the other...

That's generally wraps up so far.

Gonna get my new phone, soon. Hehe, was grumbling when the phone price increased from 99 to 128 to 188. Thought i would just stay with my 3++ yr old Sony Ericsson longer.But God is good, bought it online yesterday for a promo price of 48. Max Woots :)) Finally!! I can take nice photos to post. Thanks Bro, for helping :) (me phone).

Will be posting a meaningful saying at the top of every post for yall to ponder on, and some jokes too, for some time. Thanks peeps for sending me :) Yall might have seen them b4.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Cant be bothered anymore

I cant take this anymore. Everytime i seek to care and connect with people, it is like a one-way street. Every question i ask, every help i offer, is freakingly taken for granted. I do not do these acts to seek recognition, but i do not like to be taken for a fool either. Why is it that when i am helping people, i have to ask them, remind them, persuade them even. HELLO, isnt this a stupidly, big irony.

When i ask people about their problems, i ask to know how are their lives recently, that's how i keep in touch with people, concern even. But i just feel i am just taken for granted. When people tell me about their problems, i really understand them to a certain point i get depressed with them. It worries me, that they feel the same thing over and over, to an extent it adds on to my emotional baggage on that day. I am just so tired, too tired to bother any longer.

I am gonna be selfish. Why should i even bother anymore...

I want to sleep !!!

Today, or rather yesterday seeing the time, was stale?

The mixture and confusion of feelings, emotions were carried forward to today. Many stuffs. Anyway, today was the first time i did some sort of cooking. i think. I made lemongrass tea, had a fun time chopping, i think i wanna take up cooking as a part-time hobby, hehe. Gonna learn from Yati. FOC!!!

Went to visit Godma, talked about stuffs and God among many others. It was nice talking about God with a relative, since i come from a taoist family background.

Having insomnia from frequently sleeping at late hours. So I went filing my pictures. Precious memories of cycling trips and gatherings with classmates. Arr... good times. Then i looked at her photos, kinda miss her. Oh wells. Nothing much i can do anymore either.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Ya so gonna refer to this one day, haha

Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.

Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.

Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.
Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!

Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to # 3 for the meaning of nothing.)

That's Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you're welcome. (I want to add in a clause here - This is true, unless she says 'Thanks a lot' - that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say 'you're welcome' . that will bring on a 'whatever').

Whatever: Is a woman's way of saying Whatever YOU!

Don't worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning t! his is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking 'What's wrong?' For the woman's response refer to # 3.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Priorities... God bless you

Reading Maxine's blog, i thought of this, thanks to God's wisdom.

Sometimes in the course of our life, we tend to envy people and wonder why our life stinks in comparison to theirs.

Yeah, i had that thought before. I was reading somebody's blog. She had a brand new camera, expensive if i might add, and as i read, she wrote she did not know what she was looking for in life, if i can remember correctly. I was wondering to myself, " Why is she so blessed, and why do i have difficulties even in affording a comfortable shoe." Asked God right there and then, why was there such a distance in our situations. I was kinda displeased so to speak, disgruntled.

God brought a thought to my mind. "Is having such things going to get you to heaven? Is having many good friends going to get you to heaven even?". I replied, "Nope, it is my relationship with you that is going to give me eternal life." At that moment, having a built body, playing guitar the best, etc, seemed so small.

Why am i chasing after these "treasures" of life which do not last, when there is a treasure God has in store for me that surpasses all these by a long, long, long shot. A treasure that is eternal.

Riches aint going to get me to heaven, materiality aint going to do it either. An intimate relationship with my Father in Heaven is what matters. If we grasp that truth, we WILL experience TRUE FREEDOM and VICTORY in our lives.

So what if the person next door is living a good life he or she doesnt deserve, really, gotta ask ourselves, so what?

I will rest in the fact that God allows these situations into our lives to grow and nurture us. His plans are not meant to harm us, but to prosper us.

He is a faithful God, He doesnt let me or you go through it alone, if we trust in Him, He will lift us up above our trials, and be victorious, not just mere survivors, soaring on eagles' wings.

Like the grass is green and Singapore is a small red dot, this is a fact, not a maybe, could be.

Faith yo, is all it takes.

Take His hand and enter the light and love that embraces, where shame and guilt has no place.....

Friday, March 6, 2009

It is time !!

Feeling a sense of frustration, i think the soreness of my legs has a part in it. Cant walked properly, thank God the movie outing was postponed, haha.

Whatever things i am facing now, i will thank God and move on, make the best out of it.

I have started back on track for my body-building and gonna push myself, making my body my slave for God's kingdom. That's a goal i have to constantly remind myself of, stop the grumbling and just push forth.

Gonna start the habit of running in the morning too. SO........

Come with me if you want to train.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

There is a first thigh for everything

Today, woke up at 5am, with only 2 hours of sleep. Met Arjun and started our jog, I must say I thought i would not be able to handle the distance due to a poor stamina. But well, thanks to God, i finished the route with much much energy to spare, haha. Nice run in the morning with a good friend, the simple things that put a smile on my big face. I gonna run lots now, the feeling of sweat on your back, cool, fresh air, absense of traffic, addicted, hehe.

Then headed to Yio Chu Kang gym for my initiation ceremony into squats, hehe, quite a big thing for me. Joshua kept asking me to do squats since the start of time, but i refused as the exercise would stun my growth. Well, i asked some people if i am tall enough, etc. Apparently, they think i am, hmm, contrary to what i think. Decided to do it, as i prefered or rather needed overall strength.

I tell ya, squats aint the nicest thing, in fact, it's like a torture. Why i do it? If ya dunno, thanks for reading my blog for the first time :) :) Weights pressing on your shoulder and against your neck bone. OUCHIE. When ya pushing the weight up, all i can say is that the feeling is a manifestation of standing up against difficulties in life. The numb, helpless feeling. But i said 2 words, and just pushed up. It makes things easier for the motion and life.

Joshua kept saying "Stop whining, start squating". My bro has been doing squats for a long time, I thank God he is mentoring me, the exercise is potentially deadly if done wrongly, hehe.

I am not sure if i can walk tomorrow, the soreness is gonna be awesome. Awesomely sore.

"FOR GOD!!!" urggh...


Boy-girl relationship is too bothersome and it really troubles my mind. At my age of going 19, i cannot handle it, nor do i really want to. Having a girlfriend, yeah happy and all. But i do not think that in the end, it is really something i want or is able to handle, for now at least. Being best friends is good for me. Right now, focusing my time on God is more important rather than getting troubled or having my attention diverted from that of God. As my brother, Joshua says, after NS, after NS. Gotta sleep, peace.

Monday, March 2, 2009

It is GOOD !!!

Today was good. Time alone with God, is really enlightening and enriching to my spiritual life, soul. Every truth, every revelation i received, I cant help but praise Him. My life is so much more, more, more with Him at the helm.

Though i am a Christian, I did not read His word regularly, TAWG was irregular and far between. When i made my decision to stop attending church 2 weeks ago, i wanted to get on a more intimate level with God. Yeah, i know the irony, but my half-brother knows what i am going through. Do not take my absence as a sign of backslide, i want to know and love God more and more.

I am gonna spend more time with God, and TAWG shall not be a burden but something i look towards. The abundance blessed upon me is "wow".

Friends, when i use "wow" it is because i cant find any word in my 18 years of English education to describe that feeling. Only things of God can make me go, well, "wow".

Today after receiving His truth, i was filled with joy, i was prompted to pick up my guitar and sing a song of praise, a new song. I was doubtful, " I cant sing properly, cant strum properly either, not to mention doing both at the same time." But i just took my lovely guitar out of its casing and strum the chords of Mighty to Save. Words came out of mouth, prompted by my desire to praise God.

I strum and sang a new song. Though by the world's standard, it was below par, but i know for a fact that God is happy and pleased with it, and that is what matters to me. A question for thought, "should i care about what people think, even what my Christian friends think, or should i be more concerned about the thoughts of God, who is more important than 6 billion people combined?".


A verse for thought, "For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power."

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Man, this is classic

Friday, February 27, 2009

Time to do fun stuffs with good friends

万歳!BANZAI! ものすごくうれしい!(Very very happy!)

Holidays started yesterday!!! End of year 1. Kinda sad, all the good and fantastic lecturers, not sure if i am gonna see them again. I pray that next year, my classmates will still be the same yo.

I am not planning to work, for some reasons. Gonna focus on my new year's resolution. God, guitar and gym. 3G. Reading, picking and bulking.

I have aligned my purposes for gym and guitar, they being to serve God. Gaining muscle not to impress girls or for boasting rights but for His kingdom. As a fellow friend said, Moses built the ark by himself, he must be strong even at an advanced age. Still remembering the time, we had to move 2 huge wooden boards for Team Invent on foot for a long distance while it was raining. Haha, the pilgrimage to the holy ground.

For guitar, my main focus would be to serve Him in music. Yep, though i will still play Japanese rock music. For some reason, i am no longer "satisfied" just listening to good Christian and Japanese music, i wanna be playing it. Practice.

Just made a decision recently. Some other time perhaps.

Though she left a month ago, when i am walking on the streets and chance upon someone resembling her, my attention would be diverted, shutdown of spatial awareness so to speak.

Saw Aaron and his girlfriend today while at a pit stop during cycling. As we were heading home, the conversation with JI went as such, Arr hem (clears throat)

me: hey, how nice eh, to be like that.
JI: huh, what thing.
me: Aaron and his girlfriend lah. ( man, i tell ya, i gotta stop speaking Singlish)
JI: aiyah, dun worry, soon brother, have faith, come on, high five!
me: eh, didnt u say after NS?
JI: nevermind, have faith in it, come on, hurry, light turning green, slap it!!! (high five)
me: OKAY! (slaps hand) HAVE FAITH!!!

Funny yo!!

Random thought of the day: " God, i want to have a Christian Japanese band that is united in you.".

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Someone wise tells me

Friendship isn't about who you have known the longest.
...but about who came and never left your side.

P.S. Quality not quantity, it seems.