Saturday, March 7, 2009

Priorities... God bless you

Reading Maxine's blog, i thought of this, thanks to God's wisdom.

Sometimes in the course of our life, we tend to envy people and wonder why our life stinks in comparison to theirs.

Yeah, i had that thought before. I was reading somebody's blog. She had a brand new camera, expensive if i might add, and as i read, she wrote she did not know what she was looking for in life, if i can remember correctly. I was wondering to myself, " Why is she so blessed, and why do i have difficulties even in affording a comfortable shoe." Asked God right there and then, why was there such a distance in our situations. I was kinda displeased so to speak, disgruntled.

God brought a thought to my mind. "Is having such things going to get you to heaven? Is having many good friends going to get you to heaven even?". I replied, "Nope, it is my relationship with you that is going to give me eternal life." At that moment, having a built body, playing guitar the best, etc, seemed so small.

Why am i chasing after these "treasures" of life which do not last, when there is a treasure God has in store for me that surpasses all these by a long, long, long shot. A treasure that is eternal.

Riches aint going to get me to heaven, materiality aint going to do it either. An intimate relationship with my Father in Heaven is what matters. If we grasp that truth, we WILL experience TRUE FREEDOM and VICTORY in our lives.

So what if the person next door is living a good life he or she doesnt deserve, really, gotta ask ourselves, so what?

I will rest in the fact that God allows these situations into our lives to grow and nurture us. His plans are not meant to harm us, but to prosper us.

He is a faithful God, He doesnt let me or you go through it alone, if we trust in Him, He will lift us up above our trials, and be victorious, not just mere survivors, soaring on eagles' wings.

Like the grass is green and Singapore is a small red dot, this is a fact, not a maybe, could be.

Faith yo, is all it takes.

Take His hand and enter the light and love that embraces, where shame and guilt has no place.....