Friday, April 3, 2009


Finally back to posting, due to a host of problems. Spiritual Parenting course, Singapore Poly Leadership camp in Indonesia are some of the few things that happened which made my holidays :)) I experienced so many new things, some of which might be common to yall.

1. Talking to a stranger about God. :)
2. Holding and using a machete for the first time. :)
3. Trekking through a jungle, waterfall, and such. :)
4. Jumping off a waterfall into yellow water full of mineral, iron. Uber deep that it's black yo. :)
5. Sleeping in a hammock. Felt mummified. :)
6. Jumping off a jetty, wrong position causing damage to groin and thigh area. :(
7. Had nutella smeared or spammed onto my face for a game. Saboed. Took it as a facial. :) & :(
8. Lighting a fire with a flint and machete. With the help of some kind of oil... :)
9. Eating porridge-rice hybrid with untreated water from the stream. Yes, the yellow one. X_X
10. Peeing in the jungle at night with 3 other friends. One of whom farted at the end to finish up the symphony of "Canon in E". The bomber's identity is still unknown. Not me. -_-"""
11. Keeping guard with a machete, while a fren did his big business behind me. X_X

Number 10 is not new i suppose, guys do it all the time... in one way/song or the other...

That's generally wraps up so far.

Gonna get my new phone, soon. Hehe, was grumbling when the phone price increased from 99 to 128 to 188. Thought i would just stay with my 3++ yr old Sony Ericsson longer.But God is good, bought it online yesterday for a promo price of 48. Max Woots :)) Finally!! I can take nice photos to post. Thanks Bro, for helping :) (me phone).

Will be posting a meaningful saying at the top of every post for yall to ponder on, and some jokes too, for some time. Thanks peeps for sending me :) Yall might have seen them b4.