Thursday, June 25, 2009

Definition of beauty

The world's definition of beauty is flawed, its meaning embraces many things but beauty itself.

There is no such thing as true beauty, only a false sense of beauty. Beauty is beauty. How we perceive it, makes it "true" or "false".

Its definition as put forth by the world would be something that is pleasing to the eye. Yes, beauty does mean that, the problem being, it does not just stop there.

What then is the true meaning of beauty, the definition of which is unadulterated by the world, the media, people.

Beauty goes beyond the superficial, into the inner depths of a person, thing even. We see someone who does not meet the standards of the world. He or she not having the body exclaimed by the media, neither has that person have a certain sense of sexiness, class... His or her face might even be deformed, disfigured. The world definition of beauty then has him or her excluded.

But that person is beautiful nonetheless, she may possess inner beauty that radiates from within, which lasts longer than that of outer appearances.

We all know inner beauty exceeds outer beauty, but do we comprehend it, accept it, is another issue altogether.

A mongrel, mixed breed might be ugly, but his loyalty to his owner, isn't that beauty too? If some of us can see beauty in the ugliest of animals, why can't we in people?

Another aspect of beauty is that it goes beyond the past, the present, and into the future. A jail inmate convicted of heinous crimes. There is still beauty in him or her. Beauty goes beyond the superficial and focus itself on what something, someone can be in the future. That same inmate has a possible future of repenting, and helping others. Is he or she then not beautiful?

Everything, everyone has beauty, but not everyone sees it. It is a matter of which definition we are using to see the world, the people whom we chance upon each day.

One good proof is this. It is said "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", it means everyone sees beauty differently. That girl might be beautiful, pretty to me, but to another guy on the streets, she is not. I have seen some form of beauty in her, the other person have not. My best friend says that girl is beautiful, but i do not think so. On hindsight, we are all using different definitions of beauty, some of which causes us to miss out on the beauty of some others.

There is no such thing as ugliness, just people who can't see beauty in certain things.

A revelation from my Father in heaven, all glory to Him :)

How can i be sure that everyone is beautiful? God made us in His image, I believe all beauty comes from Him. How then can anyone be ugly?