Saturday, May 30, 2009

Today is my birthday :)

So funny. On Friday, i woke up from a nap at 11.55pm, around there. Went to take a bath, and when i came out it was 12.10am. So technically speaking, i entered the toilet as an 18 year old and came out as a 19 year old. What a bath that was, HAHA.

I didnt celebrate my birthday, as in like a party. I think i stopped rather long ago. But it was a good, blessed day nonetheless. My mum bought me a new wallet. Some of my classmates pooled in money to buy a sports jersey. Now i got a new shirt to wear to the gym :) Thanks Mandy, for taking the time to choose one :)

Though there wasnt many presents, 2 to be exact, i feel blessed in so many ways. Good friends, a shelter over my head, love, and a good, loving God. The last is the most important :) Things that we take for granted are usually the most precious.

I feel and know that God is leading me in leading others. He has put me in positions, small and big to nurture me in leadership. Whether it is being a class representative, or a group leader in my cyclist club camp, i have learnt many lessons. Sometimes unknowingly, values and lessons are being imbued in me.

Today in cell, we played a game and i kinda lost in a way. I thought we had to do a forfeit, for some reasons, i thought we had to act cute. Yeah, not a nice image... DUN picture it, seriously :) In the end, we had to be leaders for another game. Though it was for a short time, it was still a valuable learning experience nonetheless.

I have procrastinated yet again, and now my homework is stacked up high. Got 2 quizzes and a Japanese test next week. Time to study. But i am looking forward to this wednesday. Kuishinbo japanese buffet = Free flow of snow crab = First time experience = Gastronomically satisfied Russell.

Thanks friends, for your wishes of happiness :)
Material gifts will be left in one corner collecting dust, but memories with friends i can treasure always :)