Sunday, July 5, 2009

Saturday's night fever literally :)

Yesterday's Saturday service in church was uber memorable. Best place to be on a Saturday night, haha. Before that, headed to church at 9.20am, 20 minutes shy of being on time. Met up with the TINT crew and started making the props for the event that was to be held later. Made a big spectacles to go with the event (STARE WHAT STARE). Enjoyed it :)

When work on the spectacles was almost completed, Josh went on to do "something" for his project. It is very complicated for me to describe what he did, so "something" would suffice :) Funny things happened while trying to put on his metal suit, piece by piece. The end result was the "walking penknife/disco ball". Layman terms...

Rushed off to briefing on our roles for the event. Joshua, Sanjay and me were the "Men in Black". Had to dress in black shirts and wear black masks. Our role was simple, if the contestants answer wrongly, we rush out to whack them with balloon clappers, if correct, shake their hands.

Super excited, yet nervous at the same time. The reason being Josh and I have variable amounts of stage fright, we thought it would be OK since we were wearing masks. Problem... the mask just covers the eyes. It's like we were going for a masked prom... But Josh said something that soothe the nervous beast in me, "We are doing this for God......." I kinda forgot the second part of the sentence, seeing that after hearing the first part I was like "YES, OK, LET'S GO MAN" in my mind already :))

As the event started, Sis Gwen introduced us as, "The Men in Black, they are 3 guys who are strong and hunky..." We were behind the door, with "dunno what to say" reactions. Some things didnt go as plan, our choreography went a little haywired due to impromptu planning, haha. I was supposed to jump into Sanjay's and Joshua's hands during the introduction. During our practise i wasn't running, so we excecuted the movement well. During the real thing, i was running fast, the momentum caused me to whack Sanjay's nose and Joshua's chin when i jumped. Didnt plan for that to happen -_-"" But everyone laughed, so we achieved the comical results :)

It was so hilarious, whacking people with balloon clappers, then shacking their hands. According to Phyllis, it wasn't the balloon clappers that scared her, but rather us rushing out the door suddenly like mad, crazy barbarians. I hit Lois and also shaked her hand, who by the way, leads Team Invent. I hit the boss.... next meeting.... sure....

!!! It was a first time for me to take part in an event like that. Stepping out of comfort zones is very scary at times, but it always bears unexpected results. In this case, I have grown bolder, and more confident. THANK YOU GOD FOR THE OPPORTUNITY!!!

Oh yeah, having my SP i.e Spritual Parenting interview next friday. Wonder how it will turn out.

Rasseru Kurosaki, peace out !!