Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Woots. Glory to God :)

Cyclist club training was awesome!! I thought we would not be able to handle the juniors due to the lack of manpower, but by God's grace we did, haha. My stamina is still there, thank God that my recent bout of illness did not lower it :)) My abdominal strength was kinda weak? Gotta improve on it!! Mingled with the juniors a little, rather fun. Adrenaline pump was there.

Rather happy to see Chao Jing, taking the step of leadership from being rather passive in the past. Proud of you, buddy !! We managed to make the juniors enthusiastic, how much, i dunno, haha. We all had fun, while leading, which is important :) Things for the cyclist club are starting to get into motion, club shirts, bikes and all. What we need is regular attendance from the juniors :)

Another thing to give God the glory, was that though i slept late and woke up early, i still felt energetic the whole day. This is a rare occurance for me, who imitates a highly-inefficient capacitor. Basically, take long time to charge, but depletes in a short time.

Was also rather irritated, frustrated due to project work, team-mates and stuff, but i really thank God for giving me peace and taking away the anger. One thing about me is i can get super angry for a short time, but after that the anger kinda dissipates.

Gotta go to school early tomorrow, and there is a high chance i will feel an "awesome" ache too :)

P.S I hardly take photos, explaining the lack of it :)