Saturday, August 15, 2009

Giganto Amphibiano

Long time since I blogged...

Well, yesterday was a good day. Our solar-powered amphibian car managed to float and run slowly on water. It won 2nd place in a land racing competition with other solar-powered cars. All glory to God :)

With permission from the team, it is named Giganto Amphibiano. Made it sound Italian or Spainish? A little exotic flavour, hehe.

Chao Jing said something that made me want to praise God. :)) It is because of you, Lord, that it is made possible in me. WOOOOOTS !!!

Went to see Mr. Jacob with regards to many aspects of the cycling club, it is time to make the club active and fun :) I got to be a better, efficient and impactful leader :)

I got to practise guitar regularly, gonna form a practice band with members from cyclist club after the holidays, so gonna up my skill level :) When people asked if i play the guitar, i would answer " i am learning to play", with God's blessings i hope to answer "YES" in the near future. Gotta buck up on my Japanese since i stopped going for Japanese classes. Though i quit the lessons, i plan to take my JLPT 3 on 6th December, gonna get me a certificate yo :)

Exams are looming dangerously near, gotta rush those procrastinated tutorials.

As for the issue of love, i will leave it for another day :)

Bankai !! Tear through the books, Mugging Spectacled Nerd :)

Now, what do U see ???