Tuesday, November 11, 2008

La La Land

Today was aight, managed to survived 6 hours of lectures, transiting between comatose and reality. Gotta sleep earlier yo. Managed to snag a seat on the North-East line, so cozy and the air-con, drifted off to sleep and bumped my head on the other guy many times. Haha, pretended to be asleep, too embarrassed to say sorry.

Too much homework stacked up, and i cant seem to get started, frustrating to the max yo.

Was planning to do the homework, but was msning Clara about a Japanese sentence, one thing led to another and i ended up asking a lot more questions. Sorry for bothering you, u are the 1st girl i know who is so patient, with me at least. In my eyes, u are like a Japanese expert regarding language. *21 arms salute*

B.t.w, the lack of gymming is kinda getting me moody in a sense. My gym partners are like growing in size and i am kinda the same.... I wanna get bigger yo. I need to start training by myself and not rely on others if i wanna get the gains.

Saw Fight Science on OKTO, it. is. Awesome. Showing how any normal average person can defend him/herself in a suprise attack, aiming the weak points, neck, eyes, pelvis(the bladder area) and ears. But only in drastic situations, yeah, these attacks are lethal. So if you peeps get attacked, just "hum tum" the person man, just whack those areas like mad. Whack and run. Dun whack and whack. Unless you are seriously sadistic.

This saturday, will be cycling with 4E6 homies and some frens to upper pierce reservoir, meeting at 7am. Good times to be relived again, cant wait!!! And yes, without u asking, i will be cycling half-naked again, not on the way there (who does that???) but at the reservoir itself, lesser pp. Will post pics with Josh.I camera. Maybe some with us half-naked, yes, us. Not for the faint-hearted, haha :) -_-

Gotta do at least some homework. See ya later alligator.