Saturday, January 24, 2009

She leaves....

24th January, think i am gonna remember this day.

Well, she leaves today, with hope of returning bleak. I pray she will be victorious in her studies, and more importantly, that she remains close to God, no matter where she is. And not that i am jealous or anything, I pray that she will not meet with any bad NZ boys or people. With her smarts and God's protection, she will know what steps to take.

I cant achieve anything if i were to feel sad or emo around, i cant see any purpose in doing that. Rather i will use that to fuel my determination to be a better person, spiritually and personality-wise. Be strong and courageous, in doing God's work and also, to speak to the girl i like, whom i will meet, that God planned in the future.

By then, i might be able to do what i could not do for her. Play the guitar and sing a love song, giving her a look at that important line, then she would know my feelings. Corny, yeah but that's how i roll. Maybe, by then, I will have thought of something else.

The little memories i will keep, but the feelings i lift it up to my Father in Heaven.

I cant say that every morning i love you, but i do know...... every memory i had of you, was liking you.

May God guide you in all ofyour ways with His wisdom, to protect you with His Truth and to shelter you in His grace and overwhelming love. God be the focus of your life. じゃ、またね。

This marks another sad ending that had no beginning. But God put it there for a reason, to nurture me. And i appreciate it, for without such trials, we wont grow.