Friday, January 2, 2009

Fresh Start YO

It's a little late but it's OK, haha.

1 Jan 2009 was the best. The many days before, my faith in God was wavering like a sampan in the stormy Pacific. It was hard grappling with His truth and existance, the devil was pumping barrages of doubts into my mind, I thank God for Joshua's mum whom really reaffirmed my faith, thank you Godmother!!!

My new year's resolution is something I plan to achieve unlike other years. The 3G. God, Guitar, Gym. It's time to see what happens when i really put in effort into the things i have planned, an exciting journey this year is gonna be. Kami wa boku no chikara, miyou !

God- Have an intimate relationship with Him, reading His word daily, conversing with him, and putting Him first in all that i do.

Guitar- To rock on to a new level of skill, practising daily. Gonna be a Christian Rock guitarist.

Gym- Strength, definition and mass. (not too big, just right) :)

Deleted almost all of the secular songs in my mp3, began with 140 plus songs, and ended up with 44, 5 of which are Japanese songs. (cant really take away the Japanese half of me, Lol.) Gotta stock up on more Christian songs yo. Please send me online, thanks. :)

And peeps, I managed to get a photo taken with HER. Thanks to Lois and Zhi He. And without saying, I aint gonna post it, haha. A little awkward though, hmmm, but still did not talk to her. On watchnight, I finally heard how she sounded like, her voice is superbly cute. 22 more days, and she is gone, for good, I aint really sure. "sigh" is all i can say.

And and, i got 100 marks for one of my modules, uber cool, gotta keep up the momento, glory be to God. This really proves the importance of committing our exams into His hands, yeah!

I thank God for 2008 and all of the friends i have and made, u guys spur me on!!! BANZAI!!!

Joshua Isaac (my half brother) who brought me to know the Lord, role model
Zhen Yao, Joseph, Zhi He pushing me for my faith
Aunty Mary, all knowing, haha
Maxine, being there to listen
Yi Ling, Habib, my confidant in so many things
2008 cell, all you homies, make my saturdays so hip and happening
Team Invent, so many pp all for the Lord, all the fun moments
Ignyte, without you, i wont be here
Summit, awesome buddy
Benjamin Tan, one guy who would do just about anything, bold and daring for God
Jason, running buddy
Junrong, guitar mentor and guitar extraordinair
Gerald, teaching me the basis of guitar
Isaiah, best working partner and buddy
Wai Lun, fellow homie in Christ, so gung-ho
Lois, taking the photo of a lifetime, haha
And HER, who makes me want to be a better guy

Most importantly, God, my best friend, without u all the above wont be possible, THANK YOU :)

*Applause Loudly*