Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Dun say this often CRAP

Man, this stinks. Now SHE knows the name i refer to her as. At first, it was already awkward when i found out she knew that i like her, now this is just a whole new level of embarrassment.

Why do pp have to tell her i like her, about the name???? Are they telling for the fun of it, or for the sick sake of gossip???? WHY?

I was happy and satisfied just being the person SHE doesnt know, just occasionally looking at her now and then, her smile, the way she talk. Not in a stalker sense, but as a person who likes her. NOW, i cant even do that, or she will just freak out. Now, i might be the person she think is 1. a freak 2. weird. It would be nice if she know me as a fren but not like this, not like this man.

When the pp who were telling her about something like this, why did they not think about the feelings of the person who likes her, this aint something funny when emotions are involved.

In the bible, it is said gossip splits up close friends. Gossip is destructive.

She will only be in church for 2 more saturdays b4 she will be gone for a long, long time. Why does this happen now? Why cant she know at least when she is about to leave or better yet not at all.

I am pissed off. Not because she thinks of me negatively now (though it really makes me sad in a sense) but rather why pp treat telling of someone's secret so casually. For fun? Or because there was nothing to talk about at that moment?

I really cant see the reason behind telling it. Yes, she is the party whom it concerns but it isnt a secret if not told will harm her or anything. I believe SHE will go on in life pretty well even if she doesnt know, but rather now that she knows, she might find it disturbing.

To use the word love to refer to her is quite strong and this coming from a total stranger. It is just something that i thought of, and Josh, my half-brother would know i like forming sentences from words/letters. e.g SLC which meant Student Leader Council, i would form it to be Somebody Loves Christ.

Please think if doing so will hurt the other party, it might mean a lot to him/her.

The only person who can tell a secret to another should be the person whom the secret belongs to.

Only this is holding me up. For man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. James 1:20. For God and my life, i will quell the anger.