Thursday, January 29, 2009

Good times... Love yall to bits

Chanced upon this, arr... really miss the old homies and all the fun times we had. Priceless and irreplaceable memories.

It was a time when my face was void of pimples and smooth like the bean curd at Mr.Bean. Now... it's ..... aiyah, nvm

Going to Kovan after school to eat at Pizza Hut and rushing back for POA lessons, gymming in the school gym, no air con, just plain old-school. Sob... the good times, good friends, good teachers, experiences and all. My first Japanese crush.... So many more stories to tell, to reminisce.... Stories that are shared when the old boys gather, even when we become 70++. Yeah, our class rocked, and that still is an understatement.

This video, an embodiment of what we the class of 4E6 are.

For some reason, when it comes to me, my whole face takes up the entire screen.


Thank you, Lord, for blessing me abundantly with such an awesome class and memories.

Peace out, homies, band of brothers forever !!! :P

Saturday, January 24, 2009

She leaves....

24th January, think i am gonna remember this day.

Well, she leaves today, with hope of returning bleak. I pray she will be victorious in her studies, and more importantly, that she remains close to God, no matter where she is. And not that i am jealous or anything, I pray that she will not meet with any bad NZ boys or people. With her smarts and God's protection, she will know what steps to take.

I cant achieve anything if i were to feel sad or emo around, i cant see any purpose in doing that. Rather i will use that to fuel my determination to be a better person, spiritually and personality-wise. Be strong and courageous, in doing God's work and also, to speak to the girl i like, whom i will meet, that God planned in the future.

By then, i might be able to do what i could not do for her. Play the guitar and sing a love song, giving her a look at that important line, then she would know my feelings. Corny, yeah but that's how i roll. Maybe, by then, I will have thought of something else.

The little memories i will keep, but the feelings i lift it up to my Father in Heaven.

I cant say that every morning i love you, but i do know...... every memory i had of you, was liking you.

May God guide you in all ofyour ways with His wisdom, to protect you with His Truth and to shelter you in His grace and overwhelming love. God be the focus of your life. じゃ、またね。

This marks another sad ending that had no beginning. But God put it there for a reason, to nurture me. And i appreciate it, for without such trials, we wont grow.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

New shirts, good friends, thank God.

Funness to da max ytd. After gymming at school gym, headed to Bugis to meet up with Yi Ling to buy my clothes. Prayed to God that i would get clothes that made me smart-looking, not like old uncle.

Met her infront of Bugis Street, and found a stow-away, haha, Phyllis. かっこいい。The escapade of clothes-hunting began. Walked around here and there for so so long, my legs started to get sore, but the girls were still passionately finding clothes, dresses, blouses.... Quite a few funny things happened. Like how i saw a dress so small, and i asked, "Why so little cloth?" and they told me it was just a blouse. And and, while i was changing in the small, confined room, my arm hit the curtain, dear Phyllis tot i was ready, and drew away the curtain, when i haven put the clothes fully on yet, i was like, " WAA, what u doing!!" One word, shocked.

Clothes there were cheap and good, but couldnt find anything that agreed with me, or was it just my poor sense of fashion, highly possible. Uncle sense of fashion.

The place was full of distractions and temptations, thanks to God, i managed to focus. Cant believe the length of some pants and skirts were so short, wear for what??? Definitely a cloth crisis.

Yi-Ling and Phyllis bought their dresses, and we headed for Bugis Parco to find my thang. Again, hard to find for me, thought i was going home empty-handed. Budget and all. But thanks to the girls, i managed to buy 3 shirts for slightly under 80 moolahs. Made me realise something, when buying clothes, put their numbers on speed dial is for the best. They gave me the best advice so far in the area of fashion?? Sorry Jorji, but they are that good. すみません。

Headed on to the food court to consume protein, bought a curry yaki beef. Was thinking whether i should buy an extra bowl of rice, Japanese rice, i like. But decided not to, thank God. The rice was hardly any thing close to the real McCoy, rather its the first type of rice to have the consistency of porridge. I was thinking, "It must have taken real skill to make rice that bad..." If the Japanese found out how we degraded their rice, WW3. Japanese rice is one of the finest, so to speak.

Ate super slow, for those who know me well, the speed of how i eat is based on the delectability of the food. If it's a pleasure for my taste buds, swoop, done deal. If it's like nightmare on elm's street, better take out your magazine and start reading, it's gonna be a looonngg ride.

Yi ling treated us to mango tango, yeah the name makes u wanna dance, super nice. Phyllis asked for more of what she tot was mango sauce when it turned out to be durian sauce. Waa, the lady's face just turn black, really made me want to scoot out of there. Haa haa.

According to Chester, Phyllis said I am like a small boy, innocent etc , couldnt rmb. I d u n n o what to say.


All in all, it was a super fun, exciting day, trekking through the human jungle for the treasure of cloth, then repeling down the cliffs of expensive price tags with nothing but our wallets. In the desert of temptations, where there are tribes of pp who like to wear little cloth on their bodies, yeah, they are from tribes that are running out of cloths. The greatest trial was bad porridge the natives called rice, but we overcame all that to get the prize...... Mango Tango.

Yeah, that sums it all, with good frens, any outing is a fun outing, Amen to that. Glory to God always. Who provided me with the money and good frens and clothes and fun. Yeah even when shopping do pray b4 it, that it will be joyful, rewarding, free of temptations and fellowship to da max.

Yi-Ling's new nicknames by yours truly. Ah-Ling, and Ling A Ling. Patent pending.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Wednesday was a day where my faith in God was tested. I was coughing for so so many days, among other stuff, doubts flooded my mind. I asked God why he has not cured me of my 25 days plus cough, and it was quite bad. Even after all my prayers, and fren's prayers. I wanted Him to talk to me, but i couldnt get it. I was beginning to complain to God, and at one point, contemplate about just leaving Him altogether. But i was reminded on just waiting upon Him, no matter how bad our situation might be.

It was also during then, i realised how little my faith in Him has been, i can be so pumped up for Him and after 4 days, revert back to that same place of insecurities and doubting Him. So i made up my mind, and just to put my trust in Him, the verse "to live by faith and not by sight" spoke to me as i grappled with my doubts. I knew that it was a trial for me to strengthen my faith in Him, I sensed God knew my walk with Him was becoming stagnant, and through this ordeal, refresh my steps along His side.

My faith has grown, no doubts about that.

During recent days including today, i have been guiding my friends in the art of bodybuilding. Arr, nostalgia. Reminded me of the good ole days, when Joshua first taught me. I finally understood what he gone through with me. Fustration was there, even so for me when i teach my frens, but God say, "put others before yourself". And based on that, i will. We came a long way, eh? My half-brother? Thank God He put you into my life. Hallelujah.

This Saturday will be the last time i see her. Whatever it is, God has plans.

Stronger and stronger, both in the physical and spiritual, thats my goal.

For the miracle of Christ in me, is the mystery that sets me free.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

God's amazing work

Today, I was daydreaming on the train. Thought about how Yi Ling was handling her testimony for water baptism. Began to think about mine in the future, came up with quite a funny one but serious none the less. It was good, God did lots of things in my life, giving me an extreme makeover for my life. If he hadnt, i would not be what i am today.

In the train too, i have planned to bring 3 pp to God. Who they are, i wont reveal, all in God's time. Gonna pray for His intervention and wisdom, and that He will bless them with overwhelming love, breaking through the things that hold them back, and bring upon a light that will just transform them. Amen.

I have found a girl, whose inner beauty just shines through ever so brightly. I dare say that in my entire life, she is the best girl i have met so far. I am not refering to HER. And no, i have not changed heart. After every conversation i have with her, i feel her to be, how should i say, better and better. A rare gem indeed. Blessed is her boyfriend or husband. Just being her friend is already a blessing.

I wont list what makes her special, unique from the rest, I do not want this post to be 2 thousand words long. If she comes to know and receive God, it would be the best. I am sure God will bring her to new heights. I believe God has great, unimaginable plans for her. If i had met her at a different time, maybe things would be different, i wont know. Haha. In my opinion, if she is the world's standard for beauty, maybe we wont be seeing the moral decadence in our society. God has a way.

I pray to God that my girlfriend, my wife will be like her. No, whatever you are thinking, u are thinking wrongly. Haha. God will make a way and top my expectations in unimaginable ways. Peace out.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Today, i was in the train heading home after gym. Prior to this, for a many weeks now, i was unable to worship God whole-heartedly. Meaning when i sing praise to Him, i couldnt feel the joy, the love for Him, basically what anyone would feel when worshipping Him. I was too concentrated on the lyrics, i spent too much time thinking about the lyrics.

In the train, as i took out my China-made imitation Mp3, Silykon, God spoke to me (yes, he did) he told me what went wrong and how i should worship him, when i was hearing the songs, i was finally responding to it and the feel of my love for him, His love for me, the pure, unadulterated joy that u cant get from secular music was there, and i was just soaking in it. It was pure joy for me, i was searching for it for a long time. Thank you, God.

And another thing to thank God for, would be my results. Without Him, this wouldnt be possible.

Digital electronics 85
P.EEE 100
Structured Programming 95
Engineering Maths 99.5
Japanese 99

There was some error with marking for the maths, so might get a 100.

My maths in the past was 68 and 67, so u can clearly see God's work here.

During the test, I didnt know 3 questions which had quite a weightage. I prayed to God, asking for enlightenment on it. I then stared at the question, and then i just knew how to do.

This doesnt mean not to study. God provides for the crows, but He does not drop the food in their nests. This mean we still got to work for the victory God has in store for us yo.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Dun say this often CRAP

Man, this stinks. Now SHE knows the name i refer to her as. At first, it was already awkward when i found out she knew that i like her, now this is just a whole new level of embarrassment.

Why do pp have to tell her i like her, about the name???? Are they telling for the fun of it, or for the sick sake of gossip???? WHY?

I was happy and satisfied just being the person SHE doesnt know, just occasionally looking at her now and then, her smile, the way she talk. Not in a stalker sense, but as a person who likes her. NOW, i cant even do that, or she will just freak out. Now, i might be the person she think is 1. a freak 2. weird. It would be nice if she know me as a fren but not like this, not like this man.

When the pp who were telling her about something like this, why did they not think about the feelings of the person who likes her, this aint something funny when emotions are involved.

In the bible, it is said gossip splits up close friends. Gossip is destructive.

She will only be in church for 2 more saturdays b4 she will be gone for a long, long time. Why does this happen now? Why cant she know at least when she is about to leave or better yet not at all.

I am pissed off. Not because she thinks of me negatively now (though it really makes me sad in a sense) but rather why pp treat telling of someone's secret so casually. For fun? Or because there was nothing to talk about at that moment?

I really cant see the reason behind telling it. Yes, she is the party whom it concerns but it isnt a secret if not told will harm her or anything. I believe SHE will go on in life pretty well even if she doesnt know, but rather now that she knows, she might find it disturbing.

To use the word love to refer to her is quite strong and this coming from a total stranger. It is just something that i thought of, and Josh, my half-brother would know i like forming sentences from words/letters. e.g SLC which meant Student Leader Council, i would form it to be Somebody Loves Christ.

Please think if doing so will hurt the other party, it might mean a lot to him/her.

The only person who can tell a secret to another should be the person whom the secret belongs to.

Only this is holding me up. For man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. James 1:20. For God and my life, i will quell the anger.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


SHE knows. 18 plus years on this earth, the Lord is the only one I know who keeps secrets real well, really...

Friday, January 2, 2009

Fresh Start YO

It's a little late but it's OK, haha.

1 Jan 2009 was the best. The many days before, my faith in God was wavering like a sampan in the stormy Pacific. It was hard grappling with His truth and existance, the devil was pumping barrages of doubts into my mind, I thank God for Joshua's mum whom really reaffirmed my faith, thank you Godmother!!!

My new year's resolution is something I plan to achieve unlike other years. The 3G. God, Guitar, Gym. It's time to see what happens when i really put in effort into the things i have planned, an exciting journey this year is gonna be. Kami wa boku no chikara, miyou !

God- Have an intimate relationship with Him, reading His word daily, conversing with him, and putting Him first in all that i do.

Guitar- To rock on to a new level of skill, practising daily. Gonna be a Christian Rock guitarist.

Gym- Strength, definition and mass. (not too big, just right) :)

Deleted almost all of the secular songs in my mp3, began with 140 plus songs, and ended up with 44, 5 of which are Japanese songs. (cant really take away the Japanese half of me, Lol.) Gotta stock up on more Christian songs yo. Please send me online, thanks. :)

And peeps, I managed to get a photo taken with HER. Thanks to Lois and Zhi He. And without saying, I aint gonna post it, haha. A little awkward though, hmmm, but still did not talk to her. On watchnight, I finally heard how she sounded like, her voice is superbly cute. 22 more days, and she is gone, for good, I aint really sure. "sigh" is all i can say.

And and, i got 100 marks for one of my modules, uber cool, gotta keep up the momento, glory be to God. This really proves the importance of committing our exams into His hands, yeah!

I thank God for 2008 and all of the friends i have and made, u guys spur me on!!! BANZAI!!!

Joshua Isaac (my half brother) who brought me to know the Lord, role model
Zhen Yao, Joseph, Zhi He pushing me for my faith
Aunty Mary, all knowing, haha
Maxine, being there to listen
Yi Ling, Habib, my confidant in so many things
2008 cell, all you homies, make my saturdays so hip and happening
Team Invent, so many pp all for the Lord, all the fun moments
Ignyte, without you, i wont be here
Summit, awesome buddy
Benjamin Tan, one guy who would do just about anything, bold and daring for God
Jason, running buddy
Junrong, guitar mentor and guitar extraordinair
Gerald, teaching me the basis of guitar
Isaiah, best working partner and buddy
Wai Lun, fellow homie in Christ, so gung-ho
Lois, taking the photo of a lifetime, haha
And HER, who makes me want to be a better guy

Most importantly, God, my best friend, without u all the above wont be possible, THANK YOU :)

*Applause Loudly*