Monday, September 27, 2010

I need a good boost

One thing that you do not need while going through a testing of your faith is a testing of your body's immune system.

After going shopping with Habib around Sim Lim square, i developed a numb ache in my lower ache that exploded into a full body ache and fever. My digestive system then went into overdrive during the night. Haiz, i am getting sick way too often. I really really need the discipline to maintain proper sleeping patterns and a regular intake of anti-oxidants to boost my immune system.

I guess that a spiritual turmoil is worse than a physical one. I want to put my whole life into God's hand. Not out of a delusion that is self-conceived to fill up a void of insecurity but rather because He is real. Regardless of what creationist or evolutionist might have to say, i honestly would like to find out the answer for myself. Not be swayed by what the majority would say, or by other opinions. One can keep on arguing about the existence about God, but what convinces someone about His reality is a personal experience that is convicting.

I need to know, haiz........
