Sunday, July 18, 2010

My goal for this life

After church yesterday, i had a long walk with Summit. It was a time of talking about God, sharing of problems, helping each other out with issues we faced. It was an uber good time. Haha, we walked all the way back to Serangoon central.

My goal for my life on this world is to be a holy instrument for the Lord. I would like to be a chain-cutter. One who is blessed with the wisdom and understanding of God, whom God can use to cut the chains that prevents people from knowing God, trusting God, praising God extravagantly. This in my opinion is the best job i can have.

After reading an expose of megachurches by the Straits Times yesterday, this is what i feel.

Beyond all the rock-style worship, tithing by credit card, doctrinal differences, etc. God should if not must, be put first in all things.

You and me, we cannot understand the Bible which is God's word with a worldly mindset nor can we understand His kingdom in such a manner.

Christianity is not a cca, nor a super market one goes to. It is a personal relationship with God. We spend time with God, talk to God when we have problems, run to Him when we are oppressed. Simply put, He is a friend, a Father, a lover.

One thing i have realised, is that beyond everything, it is about our heart towards God.