Saturday, May 30, 2009

Today is my birthday :)

So funny. On Friday, i woke up from a nap at 11.55pm, around there. Went to take a bath, and when i came out it was 12.10am. So technically speaking, i entered the toilet as an 18 year old and came out as a 19 year old. What a bath that was, HAHA.

I didnt celebrate my birthday, as in like a party. I think i stopped rather long ago. But it was a good, blessed day nonetheless. My mum bought me a new wallet. Some of my classmates pooled in money to buy a sports jersey. Now i got a new shirt to wear to the gym :) Thanks Mandy, for taking the time to choose one :)

Though there wasnt many presents, 2 to be exact, i feel blessed in so many ways. Good friends, a shelter over my head, love, and a good, loving God. The last is the most important :) Things that we take for granted are usually the most precious.

I feel and know that God is leading me in leading others. He has put me in positions, small and big to nurture me in leadership. Whether it is being a class representative, or a group leader in my cyclist club camp, i have learnt many lessons. Sometimes unknowingly, values and lessons are being imbued in me.

Today in cell, we played a game and i kinda lost in a way. I thought we had to do a forfeit, for some reasons, i thought we had to act cute. Yeah, not a nice image... DUN picture it, seriously :) In the end, we had to be leaders for another game. Though it was for a short time, it was still a valuable learning experience nonetheless.

I have procrastinated yet again, and now my homework is stacked up high. Got 2 quizzes and a Japanese test next week. Time to study. But i am looking forward to this wednesday. Kuishinbo japanese buffet = Free flow of snow crab = First time experience = Gastronomically satisfied Russell.

Thanks friends, for your wishes of happiness :)
Material gifts will be left in one corner collecting dust, but memories with friends i can treasure always :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Feelings that i do not want

Just came back from Sanjay's gym. Such an uneasy concoction of feelings is brewing in me.

Today is her birthday, but that is not an ingredient in the mixture of emotions. Just so suddenly, i feel the passion for gym leaking from me. I do not know what causes this onset of unwanted feeling. It could be due to this another feeling that i do not feel at ease to say on this blog. Waiting for Joshua to be free, to have one of those heart-to-heart talks, man-to-man. Hehe.

I hate the feeling of pining for someone. It is so tiring on my emotional body. I am going to lift it up to God, as this causes much avoidable frustration.

Gotta rush my work, have been pushing it back a few too many days. There is the challenge of cyclist club too. Busy busy.

So many things, feelings, work, issues, troubles.

One faithful, loving God.

All is good. :) Let's seek Him !

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Awesome growing experience :)

Cyclist camp was awesome, praise God.

Had diarrhoea on the first day of cyclist camp, i prayed for it to go away and it did :) WOOTS.

To sum it short, great friends, refreshing experiences, enlightening learning journey, God-filled. Got to plan for the training schedule, bikes, events among other things. This year is gonna be busy. Gonna trust in God to be victorious in all.

There is this possibility I might be the gym facilitator for the club. Hehe, Joshua is so laughing.

I thank God i was rejected by the guitar club. His plan for me never fails to surprise, amaze me. I shall not grumble nor complain when bad things happen, but rather i shall wait quietly, seeking Him, looking at his grace and power be unfold in my life.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The trial

Entered into a new year, a new responsibility entrusted without notice
With an attitude of service, i took it upon myself
First term has not seen its end, but dissension was building its foundation
In anger and frustration , it thrives like weeds
In the barrages of complains and grumbling, I stood like a sitting duck in line of fire
What else can i do, but hear with patience and understanding
Anger did not seem right then, it served no good purpose
Changes were a constant, people's displeasure a multiplication
What else can i do, what else...
Information was given in clarity, yet why do questions still arise
Questions after questions, that could have been avoided
Why do one choose not to take the time to see and understand
Do they not understand that I am not exactly having the time of my life
Character was put under the test, grilled over the flame of irritation
I will not bow down to anger, but enjoy this trial
For this will grow me to be a leader for God,
In this time, i will sing my praises to Him, who is above all this
Who stood by my side, time and time and time again


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Russell Loves God

Today worship experience was seriously the bomb. Time passes so fast when you are worshiping God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. It is just you and God, one to one.

I am ever so ignited to serve God in guitar, and God is helping me every step of this journey. It is for this reason to serve God that has me desire to improve in guitar. In the past, i could never maintain the passion for any hobby i had. The reasons or purpose for those hobbies could never withstood time nor trials. Learning guitar was and is never an easy thing for me, difficulties, up-and-downs, stagnation in level of playing, and repetition seemed to be endless. There was moments of surrender, and taking the easy route of giving up, BUT the purpose to serve God pushes me forward.

I shall and will be a testimony that glorifies and exalts the name of God. Amen.

On a side note, today's cell game had me confused and in need of a panadol. Was rather slow to catch on, people just started laughing. "A what, wait wait, ding? so what i do? I tot pass to you.." Hehe, it is good to be a source of laughter.

And i have made a decision to "graduate" from the swimming pool gym to the "strongman" gym. For some reason, this year, many pp in poly are going to the gym, boys and girls alike. Going at different times still made no difference to the fact that the gym mimics that of the Great Singapore Sale. Every machine is taken, insufficient dumbells and plates. Hence i am going to the strongman gym with Wailun, i just pray that pp wont crowd that area. Some reasons being

1.) There is no air-con.
2.) The weight plates start from 5 kg.
3.) A nasty concoction of different sweat smells, sweaty rubber.
