Sunday, April 26, 2009

On hindsight, towards the future

Yesterday's sermon by Pastor Gary from USA was refreshing in a sense, and reaffirmed in me what i thought before.

He talked about how God put him through various jobs in his younger days, so that he may apply what he has learnt, and his experiences into extending God's kingdom. It reminded me of my past, and the present.

As some would know, the things that i enjoy doing now are caused by certain events. The certain events are the 3 crushes I had in my soon to be 19 years of life. The 3 crushes I had on totally 3 different girls, ended without a beginning, and kinda horribly in some ways. Looking back on those 3 experiences, I thank God for them, despite how it turned out. Some of my brothers know how horribly all 3 turned out. Yeah, sad, if I am only focused on the small blot of despair rather than on the entire canvas of my life. Often, that blot can be part of something beautiful, glorious, amazing.

My first crush is a childhood sweetheart in my primary school days. Met her again in my secondary school days on a trip with both our mothers. Had those same feelings again on the trip. When we were going swimming, I sprinted towards the pool, covering the small belly i had back then. When i entered the pool, I still remembering telling myself i had to do something about it when i returned to Singapore.

That started my enthusiasm with gymming. Body-sculpting, whatever one would call it.

My second crush is a Japanese exchange student to our school when i was Sec 3. Yeah, you all know where this is going. Her name is Akari Taniguchi. Akari meaning light, such an irony when i think about it now. Because of her, i took an interest in Japan, its language, its music. As for Japanese girls, that interest has faded away.

When i found out that she was a tennis captain, and knew how to play the piano. I thought about what talent i had. Through a funny incident that some of my friends know, it led to me picking up the guitar.

The third crush, refocused the goal of gymming, Japanese and guitar towards that of God's.

I am going to use these 3 things that God has led me to, to serve Him in the course He has laid out for me before time began. I thank God for these experiences for I can now serve Him in the things I enjoy :))

I do not know what lies before me, but I know God is a faithful and almighty God. Amen.
"If God put you to it, He WILL put you through it."

Oh yeah, on a side note.

Of the 3 crushes, i have only spoken to 1. The other 2 are like that of a Korean or Taiwanese drama, where the boy just looks on quietly behind a pillar or something opaque. Seriously, if the word "stalker" comes to your mind, you really do not know me well. Haha.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Arrgh, school started.

Well, I became this year's class chairman. My head feels groggy, pardon the following incoherent typing. Slept around 8 hours, but still feels it is not enough. The 2 hours lecture sucked my brain juice dry. Had little idea what the lecturer was saying, my mind left the building when he talked about the yoke of a generator. Yes, "huh?".

Then we got conned by the CRS (critical reasoning skills) lecturer into the module being about dating. How to date, maintaining a relationship, etc. Said that we will be pairing up with people from the business school, to be boyfriends, girlfriends. Going on a date sponsored by SP. This is where pandemonium strike. People were like, "WOOHOO". I was more like, "Got to account to Joshua and Zhi He..." At the end, she said we got "punked", and that we had to look at things critically.

In a peanut shell, she lied, we were led into it.

I guess the desire to get attached causes people to lose all sense of critical analysis.

Funny thing is that i thought i would get an F when she said it was a "dating" module. Well, thank God it aint. As u guess it, Russell = no dating experience. Theory = B, Practical = absent. Hehe.

But i won't rush in finding a girlfriend, would rather wait for God to lead me. I pray she is one who is on fire for God. I would like to be worthy of her too.

Anyways, i got to really make good use of my time. So many things, but not too much time. The weather is really humid nowadays. Practised on my guitar for less than an hour, and i could feel sweat trickling down.

Gotta gym tmr, not sure if i got the energy. Wonder how my friends are coping...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Yosh. Photos for the first time. Woots.

Orientation was super fun today too. Saw a freshman girl I thought was beautiful, hmm, wonder if she is a Christian. Anyways, the Flag Day Division (us), has completed Phase 1 of its job.

Gave out tins, license, stickers, etc. Had to promote Environmental club for some reason. The best was having fun as a group of student leaders. Started with knowing a bunch of people, but now we are all homies. A teacher called me a senior, "shiok man" was the feeling ! Haha.

Took a group photo at the end in the sports hall.


I seriously do not know how to smile....

Personal fav. Matthew (the punched guy) brings the fun in bulk.

Thursday is collection day. We gonna take part in the SP party. Maybe..

Went to the fish farm after with Joshua. Couldnt take a photo of the big black fish, called the Gar fish. It was humongous. When it surfaced, got the shock of the month. Too bad the water was dark, so happen the fish was kinda dark too. Let your imagination run wild, and u can picture the size.

Joshua bought cute little fishies, Pearl Goldfish. Fat and small. When it swims, u get a good laugh out of it.

The work of God above the work of man. (Leonardo Da Russell)

Thought the sky was nice. The light piercing through the clouds.

Fun and enjoyable day, thank you God :)))

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The fun, the tired, and the new

Got my new phone today. Nice. Gonna start taking photos.

Went for Freshmen Orientation today, was in charge of the tin cans for flag day. A little nervous at first as I did not have experience with a large group of people. But it turned out rather well. For me it was fun, though my fellow leaders felt it was a little stale for them.

Isaiah was the only one who forgot to wear the SP t-shirt. Totally looked like a freshie. Blended in the crowd like a true army guy in the jungle when we led the students to the sport halls. Man, the way he behaved during the freshies' games was just hilarious. So brave, just went in and looked over people's shoulders like no man's business, I just laughed then and there. During the train conference, Felicia said that he went into her class briefing and looked all blur and duh... One of the students thought he was a fellow classmate. I so wanted to be there, to see his "duh" face.

It was a nice experience overall, being my first time too, first of many to come i hope. Tmr will be the same thing again, maybe with slight variations. I hope funnier things will happen, hehe.

Went for gym at Sanjay's, fast and efficient, the way i like it. Spent some time settling the hardware and software of the phone. No time for guitar, sob..

Well, might be going to a fish farm tomorrow to see this incredibly huge fish with Josh. Photos :)


Joke for the day ( Do tag if it is funny :) )

> ************ ********
> Ah Beng bought a new mobile.
> He sent a message to everyone from his Phone Book & said,
> 'My Mobile No. Has changed.
> Earlier it was Nokia 3310. Now it is 6610'
> ============ ========= ! ========= ======
> Ah Beng : I am a proud father, coz my son is in Medical College ..
> Friend: Really, what is he studying.
> Ah Beng: No, he is not studying, they are studying him.
> ============ ========= ========= ========= ===
> Ah Beng : Doctor, in my dreams, I play football every night.
> DR: Take this tablet, you will be ok.
> Ah Beng : Can I take tomorrow, tonight is final game.
> ============ ========= ========= ========= ====
> Ah Beng : If I die, will u remarry?
> Wife: No! I'll stay with my sister. But if I die will u remarry?
> Ah Beng : No, I'll also stay with your sister.
> =========================================================
> Ah Beng complained to the police: 'Sir, all items are missing, except

> the TV in my house.'
> Police: 'How come the thief did not take TV?'
> Ah Beng : 'I was watching TV news....'
> ============ ========= ========= ========= ==
> Ah Beng comes back to his car & find a note saying 'Parking Fine'
> He Writes a note and sticks it to a pole 'Thanks for the compliment.'
> ============ ========= ========= ========= ======
> How do you recognize Ah Beng in School?
> He is the one who erases the notes from the book when the teacher erases the board.
> ============ ========= ========= ========= ========
> Once Ah Beng was walking he had a glove on one hand and not on other.
> So the man asked him why he did so.
> He replied that the weather forecast announced that on one hand it would
> be cold and on the other hand it would be hot.
> ============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ==
> Ah Beng in a bar ! and his cellular phone rings. He picks it up and
> Says 'Hello, how did you know I was here?'
> ============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ===
> Ah Beng : Why are all these people running?
> Man : This is a race, the winner will get the cup
> Ah Beng : If the winner will get the cup, why are others running?
> ============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ===
> Teacher: 'I killed a person' convert this sentence into future tense
> Ah Beng : The future tense is 'u will go to jail'
> ============ ========= ========= ========= ========= =====
> Ah Beng told his servant: 'Go and water the plants!'
> Servant: 'It's already raining.'
> Ah Beng : 'So what? Take an umbrella and go.'

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Thank You, Jesus

Today was the HOPE event in church. Brought my brother and cousin to the event. Was praying continuously that their hearts be opened to God, and accept God as their saviour. The weird thing, i did not even pray that much before my math exams.

Could hear them laughing during the musical, was rather distracted. But God said, "Russell, focus on me." I believe that God will touch their hearts and bring about a radical transformation in their lives, just as he did with mine. I was a rather tough nut, a logical person that did not allow the concept of God. I thank God, that HE did not give up on me but rather strengthen me in my relationship with Him, time after time, troubles after troubles.

I thank God for Joshua Isaac, who had patience in nurturing me. I call him my brother, though we are from different races, we are from the same God.

My dream is that my whole family, extended even, would come to know God and love Him as much as I do. It might take a long time, and i will face persecution, mockery even from my family members for what i stand up for.

But i wont worry, for God is always with me till the end of time, I shall put their salvation before my shame. Amen.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Finally back to posting, due to a host of problems. Spiritual Parenting course, Singapore Poly Leadership camp in Indonesia are some of the few things that happened which made my holidays :)) I experienced so many new things, some of which might be common to yall.

1. Talking to a stranger about God. :)
2. Holding and using a machete for the first time. :)
3. Trekking through a jungle, waterfall, and such. :)
4. Jumping off a waterfall into yellow water full of mineral, iron. Uber deep that it's black yo. :)
5. Sleeping in a hammock. Felt mummified. :)
6. Jumping off a jetty, wrong position causing damage to groin and thigh area. :(
7. Had nutella smeared or spammed onto my face for a game. Saboed. Took it as a facial. :) & :(
8. Lighting a fire with a flint and machete. With the help of some kind of oil... :)
9. Eating porridge-rice hybrid with untreated water from the stream. Yes, the yellow one. X_X
10. Peeing in the jungle at night with 3 other friends. One of whom farted at the end to finish up the symphony of "Canon in E". The bomber's identity is still unknown. Not me. -_-"""
11. Keeping guard with a machete, while a fren did his big business behind me. X_X

Number 10 is not new i suppose, guys do it all the time... in one way/song or the other...

That's generally wraps up so far.

Gonna get my new phone, soon. Hehe, was grumbling when the phone price increased from 99 to 128 to 188. Thought i would just stay with my 3++ yr old Sony Ericsson longer.But God is good, bought it online yesterday for a promo price of 48. Max Woots :)) Finally!! I can take nice photos to post. Thanks Bro, for helping :) (me phone).

Will be posting a meaningful saying at the top of every post for yall to ponder on, and some jokes too, for some time. Thanks peeps for sending me :) Yall might have seen them b4.