Friday, February 20, 2009

Back to the past, Brothers for life

Finally back to posting, exams are progressing fine, seriously gotta thank God. Especially for my Engineering Maths. Last 3 weeks was... how do i put it... normal and slackful? Haha. As usual, prepared for my exams on the last 2 days. Really a relentless habit that leeched onto me since Primary 4.

The root of this can be coined into a phrase. My unwanted desire for perfection has fueled an endangering procrastination. STILL i am gonna get out of this, despite many, many failed attempts. Gotta make my time fruitful, for many reasons.

One thing i need to get off my chest.

When best friends begin to get on each others' nerves more often than not, we should stop and think if "best friends" is what really describes us. Friends that have known each other for so long that familiarity sets it, and we begin to take each other for granted. Calling another names, on the basis that "Hey, come on, we are good friends, known each other for so long already..". Aint that an irony out from literature books. Worst still, saying "sorry" is as often as saying "Yo, whassup".

Friend whom i treasure much. Please stop amidst your busy schedule and do, please do think how many times i have heard the much hated "sorry" from you. "Sorry" just do not seem to have any meaning any longer. May not be many, but it has definitely put a strain on our friendship. Words like "stupid", "dumb dumb", though you meant it to be funny, why do i not feel so? Rather i feel insulted, to an extent of just shouting out at you.

I am not perfect either, i have done things to make you angry. I seek to be better, this friendship is something i pray to have 70, 80 years down the long, rough road. Sometimes, i just want to stop correcting you, and let you figure it out, let someone else do the correcting. It's just too much. Maybe we known each other for too long, words that i say might not have much of an impact?

It's is hard to change, that i know. Had my fair share of condemnation from "less than understanding" classmates.

Just want you to know, let us not have familiarity set into our friendship.

It would be nice, very nice to be back where we were last time. Times when we had fun, heart-to-heart talks without bursting our nerves, my half-brother.

"Friendship is a gold treasured above life's treasures"

How true.