Sunday, December 19, 2010

About music

I have no particular genre e.g. pop, rock that i favor over the rest. As long as it clicks with me, that is the song i like. The music, beat, rhythm are things that i look for in music, but more importantly are the lyrics. If a song has good music but bad lyrics i.e. vulgar, sexually explicit/suggestive, bad values, etc, i will listen for a few times then stop.

I believe music really does lift one's mood up or down. You are what you hear? Not sure if that is true.

At times i listen to secular music i.e. non-Christian songs for the beat. Haha, i would imagine myself singing in front of a crowd, who don't? Okay, there are some who don't.

The reason why i prefer the Christian genre most of the times, not sure if it is a genre in the first place is that hmmm, not sure how to put this in words. Okay, i guess i click with it? That the lyrics are beneficial in a sense that i relate to it somehow and it moulds me? Secular music on the other hand, I do enjoy it at times. It gets me "grooving", but other than that, there is nothing else really.

My 2 cents worth is that do not use music as an outlet for anger, as it does not solve your problem. It might provide a temporary relief but then again, temporary. It is better to settle the root of the problem.