Sunday, December 19, 2010

About music

I have no particular genre e.g. pop, rock that i favor over the rest. As long as it clicks with me, that is the song i like. The music, beat, rhythm are things that i look for in music, but more importantly are the lyrics. If a song has good music but bad lyrics i.e. vulgar, sexually explicit/suggestive, bad values, etc, i will listen for a few times then stop.

I believe music really does lift one's mood up or down. You are what you hear? Not sure if that is true.

At times i listen to secular music i.e. non-Christian songs for the beat. Haha, i would imagine myself singing in front of a crowd, who don't? Okay, there are some who don't.

The reason why i prefer the Christian genre most of the times, not sure if it is a genre in the first place is that hmmm, not sure how to put this in words. Okay, i guess i click with it? That the lyrics are beneficial in a sense that i relate to it somehow and it moulds me? Secular music on the other hand, I do enjoy it at times. It gets me "grooving", but other than that, there is nothing else really.

My 2 cents worth is that do not use music as an outlet for anger, as it does not solve your problem. It might provide a temporary relief but then again, temporary. It is better to settle the root of the problem.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Being content

If i could say something on being content with what we have. These past days have been an eye opener.

It takes less than a minute to remember a wise saying, longer to understand it, and even longer to integrate it into our lifestyles. I am in between stage 2 and 3.

What i desire now is more clothes, a hairstyle that suits me, and other stuffs. But i am contented that i have clothes to wear, a head full of hair, a mother that cares for me, a father that does not abuse me. I am contented because i have these good things, not because someone else is worse off than me.

To feel contented because someone else is in a worse state just does not sit right with me. To feel contented because of appreciation is the way i am trying out now. 2 sentences come to my mind now.

"It is not how much you have that makes you happy, but how much you enjoy and appreciate that does"

"How can one be contented when greed is around"

We need to bear in mind that greed is not so easily distinguished, it could come in disguises.

When i got a cash award for my academics, i was rather disappointed. With Jehovah even. I was expecting over $1000 so that i can buy an acoustic guitar, and finish building my bike. Well, i got $200. I was feeling disappointed because i couldn't get what i want. I already had a bike and an electric guitar. I wanted a better bike even though i might not be going on rides that demanded one. I have yet to master my basic skills for guitar and i wanted an acoustic guitar.

When i decided to put off my plans till i had the money and need for them, i realised something. I did not feel such a financial stress upon me, i could spend more money on food :)))) and $200 suddenly seem to be quite a fair sum of money.

Displeasure with Jehovah suddenly became gratefulness. Reading Proverbs a few days back made me realised this. I am truly blessed, but why i feel the opposite at times is because of my choices.

Choosing to please others, choosing to be the object of attention, choosing to go after better things because others do. I am uncovering them one by one, and changing my mindset.

Proverbs 10:22 "The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, and he adds no trouble to it."

It is not the blessing that is small, but the greed that is large.