Wednesday, December 17, 2008

SURGE Searching Serving Soaring RIGHT NOW

Came back from camp 2 hrs ago.

Camp was super fun and God-centered. Arrgh, missing it already, the pool games , mud games, water bomb war, service , sharing of room, pasting my face to the kaya, super lol. IT WAS SO GOOD AND EXCITING. I cant wait for next year man! This camp really reignited my passion to serve God. God told me that if i were to use guitar as a tool to serve him, he WILL bless me in that area. Gotta work hard yo.

Then, then, then during service Brother Darren prayed over me, I cried like dunno what to say, the gush of emotions, it was God touching, SO long since i felt that way. Worshipping God is THE BEST, going to the next level to worship and praise him.

Made many frens, uber tall David, funny Benjamin, gymnastic Daniel, gung-ho Jared and so so many many more. Not gonna lose contact with you guys, precious friendship and fellowship. Gonna treasure those precious memories we have tgt.

Ya and Bro Darren and Bro Robin gonna go to other sections to be leaders, gonna miss you two, all that heart to heart talk, sob sob sob... But IT'S ALL GONNA BE GOOD yeah!!!

Next year, mixed cell, well, cant talk as freely and act as crazy when we were just boy's cell, BUT you never know we might have more fun, OH YES! Gonna miss Chester and Gabriel, funny peeps see you in AF in 3 yrs time, yeah.

Soaking in the presence of God is just the best thing in the world ever. You never know till you experience it.


Friday, December 12, 2008

Pushing the intangible boundaries

Well, this 2 days i have been sleeping over at Joshua Isaac's house. It was really an enriching time, we debated about the word of God and I have decided to be independant in what i do.

In the past, if no one were to follow me to the gym, i wouldn't go, always needed someone to be there, to accompany me if i were to go running and all. In the gym i would always limit myself to the weights i do, instead of breaking comfort boundaries. Same for guitar, always relying on pp to teach me.

Well, i have started being independant, training by myself, pushing myself to new levels and learning guitar by myself. If i were to depend on pp, i wont grow to my full potential that God blessed me with. I will ALWAYS depend on God, for unlike pp, he is ALWAYS there.

Pp always say its good to be independent, for pp wont always be there to watch our back, but God. He is always there watching our back, head, legs, mind, soul. So we can be fully dependent on him yo.

Its church camp on Sunday, hiahia, cant wait. Well, i know she aint going to be in my group but its Ok, i will be focused on God.

Gonna get my haircut tmr, oh God, i pray i get a nice hairstyle, been wanting one for 4 years.

Looked at my passport photo recently, 2 years ago, my face was smooth like a baby's bottom.

Doing facial now. Dont judge me yo, i aint gay, i am metrosexual. The number of pimples on my forehead counts for the whole population of Singapore.

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Saw her in and after service again, feeling a little... hmm.. i dun really know how to put it. Just felt sad that i missed such a good girl.. again. Tried not to look at her, lest those feelings come back.

Well, the holidays started and i am got things planned out. God--Guitar--Japanese--Gym--and bonding with friends. Yeah these are the main ones. Gotta start chionging guitar, need to improve for many reasons. Found this awesome vid, well if u like anime and guitar that is.