Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Woots. Saw my fellow people :>


Heading home on the train yesterday, i saw a group of school girls chatting. Looking closer, they seemed to be Japanese, and it was confirmed after hearing them speak :>

I felt like fainting from being so blessed. Haha. Had no idea what they were talking about, gotta improve on my language skills!! Kept hearing "yasumi", which means holiday.

Thank God :> Though i am unable to go to Japan presently, i am able to have the chance of seeing and hearing real-life Japanese people :) Makes me want to improve more and faster!!!

Friday, September 25, 2009


Just need to rant a little.

I feel like I am "alone" in the cyclist club sometimes. Not that i do not have friends there, i am pretty much integrated with them? Just that during meetings, i seem to be the only one talking, giving ideas.

During the recent meeting, it was pretty much the same scenario over again. I talked like 95 percent of the time, while others kept pretty much quiet. I really do not like such a situation. I would like people to be spontaneous, throwing out ideas, to learn, and try to do things outside of their comfort zones.

I pray to God that there will be a change in the cyclist club. People bonding, having fun, spontaneity, willingness to learn, being proactive and seeking to lead. I can't do this alone, I need God and the help of my fellow club mates.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Let go

I do not want to care, i do not want to think.

Anything that frustrates me, i will just block out of my mind. I wanna enjoy the time i have, instead of nonsensical thinking.

Be it people, issues, anger or worries. I do not want to care, i do not want to think. Just not worth my time.

Just. Let. Go.

It is time to enjoy.

Flying high above all these things, and see the light for what it truly is. Not covered by a mirage nor a facade.

Monday, September 14, 2009

A beast

I once punched a classmate on his shoulders because he put the 4-letter vulgarity with a girl whom i liked in the past in a sentence. (a sense of rage just came over me) That was the most the beast ever came out. I wanted to go all out, but i know it was unwise to do so.

I still remember the fights i had with my brother when we were young. When one of us did wrong to the other, it was an all out fight. There was no restrain upon us whatsoever. My face totally changes during those fights, or when i get angry. I think i would have gotten scared if i looked into a mirror and saw how much i changed. My brother and I have gotten out of that phase, praise God.

I hardly let the beast out nowadays. But there are rare times, i just want to let it out. Screaming madly, punching sand bags, letting loose for a while. But punching walls? I am angry, but not to the extent i would go ballistic and hurt myself.

The most nowadays, i would just rant and pray and not think about it. The more we think about it, the angrier we get, blowing things out of proportions.

Do not get me wrong, i do not have a violent tendency, just an average human being.

But under those spectacles, lies something that is sealed by God's truth. Reminds you of Naruto eh?

I do not want to use my strength for violence. It should build others up, not hurt them in any way.

As with other cases of anger, it will subside after 2 or 3 days :))

But SERIOUSLY, you should change. I can't be reminding you over and over again, just to hear you say sorry yet again. I remind you so that you can change, not to hear "sorry".

Friday, September 11, 2009


The title is misleading :> This might be a long post without pictures, i wont be bothering about language today, haha. straight from the heart.

The reason why crushes are called crushes are that they really crush you, be it taking a toil on my physical health, or torturing my emotional being. As such i have been crushed 3 times, and i guess u would have known by previous posts. It is sometimes too much to handle pining for a girl, what she is doing, not having the guts to go talk to her. It's too much for me.

Recently, girls are distracting me too much. Kinda frustrating... Anyways, as each day goes by, i find how unprepared i am to be in a relationship. I will just wait till God finds the right time, even though in my heart, i yearn to show my love and affection to a girl. (stop puking, i am a sentimental guy) I might be a battery without a bulb. But whether is it a battery that has a short lifespan or leaking or defective, is something that worries me.

It is my prayer to God that she and I will be right in His eyes when we meet. Recently, i just realised what i prayed for. It would mean i could wait for a long time before i get into a relationship. But it's OK, because it is gonna be the best one :>

Guitar takes my mind of certain issues/stuff. The issues/stuff are being girls. I bought my guitar for close to 2 years now. But due to inconsistent practice, i am still very much an amateur. I am gonna focus on it.

On hindsight, my brother having the handsome gene is in a way a good thing for me. Girls are not attracted to me like my brother, hehe. so i dun have to bother about such stuff. And no, i am not deceiving myself.... i was thinking as i was showering and i came to a conclusion that it is a good thing especially in this issue i am facing. And yes, i am thinker, i think whenever, wherever, however?

So peeps, i have a "girlfriend". She has a head, a neck and a body :)

It's time i stop neglecting my guitar.